40 Twitter Memes for Every Big Reveal on Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 5
Warning: TONS OF SPOILERS for Season 7 Episode 5 of Game of Thrones. By now, you’ve hopefully caught up with Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 – Eastwatch. It was an evening of big reveals. Huge ones. Some of them were so shocking because they weren’t even written in the books! While definitely a slower paced episode than the last (Songs of Winter), Eastwatch was definitely among the most important this season. It brought some reunions (like Jorah and Dany, and more amazingly, Gendry and everyone!), some unexpected plot twists (hello Cersei’s baby bump), and of course, the biggest reveal as discovered by none other than Gilly (Jon’s parents were married! He’s not a bastard!) Now, here’s how the collective Twitterari reacted:
1. All of us wondering how on earth Jamie and Bronn managed to escape…
Bronn and Jamie Lannister be like…#GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesS7 #GoTS7e5 #bronn #jamielannister pic.twitter.com/tZ8u2d1ViD
— Kenny Gaughan (@manwith3buttock) August 14, 2017
2. And Dickon being destined for doom
Dickon Tarly always had the look of a Star Trek extra wearing red.
— Scott (@dob86) August 14, 2017
3. But also, need to quickly address this…
4. When Jon Snow pet Drogon (it wasn’t just Dany feeling it…)
5. The moment is totally cut short upon the arrival of Ser Jorah
Ser Jorah making his return to Dany without greyscale.#gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/ioYCcgcR0O
— Tangent Twinz (@Frequency_Pod) August 14, 2017
6. Glorious, until we see Jon’s face
7. We’re all wondering how he could possibly fail to mention our boy Sam
8. Bran’s vision of the Walkers being way too close was notable
9. We’re all wondering WTH these old Maesters are thinking
10. Some folks recognize the real problem with these dudes
11. That conversation between Arya and Sansa though, revealing what we know is true
Sansa: How you could you say such a horrible thing
Arya: you're thinking it right now..
Sansa: pic.twitter.com/W73K8NLfOo
— Dan (@dan_mck96) August 14, 2017
12. Some folks were pleased with the Jamie-Tyrion reunion
Tyrion & Jamie reunion 😃😢 pic.twitter.com/Vx8E1beZIV
— Rosheen Brown (@Rosheen1990) August 14, 2017
13. Though others are still wondering…
14. But hands down, we all still love Bronn (even if he did hit a dragon)
15. And then, finally, the big one: GENDRY’S BACK!
When you finally see Gendry #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/rtJ3kFpG9w
— GoT Things (@GoTthings_) August 14, 2017
16. Seriously, though, we were all just too psyched
first drogon & jon have their cute little bonding moment then dany & jorah reunite and NOW GENDRY'S BACK #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/bsTEq6YHEG
— becccca (@becca_musante) August 14, 2017
17. Of course, that means having to finally put one of our favorite memes to rest
RIP Rowing Gendry Meme. #GameOfThrones
6/9/2013 – 8/13/2017 pic.twitter.com/9ZT3PcsCkH— Ty (@NorCalTyler) August 14, 2017
18. He was totes ready, too
19. And apparently, boy knows how to wield a hammer
Gendry pull up like#ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/uZ5u5hVAGg
— Caleb Shepherd (@ThePointGoose) August 14, 2017
20. Like, for real for real
21. Cersei’s BIG reveal, tho
Tyrion: Frozen zombies are coming to kill everyone.
Cersei: I'm pregnant.
Jamie: pic.twitter.com/VCSMHfInhF— Nerd Girl Says (@Rachael_Conrad) August 14, 2017
22. Some fans ain’t buying it, though
23. Gendery Meeting Jon
Davos: Don't tell anyone that you are Robert Baratheon's son.
Gendry: Hey Jon, im Robert Baratheon's son #gameofthrones #thronesyall pic.twitter.com/zot13om0Be— caryn 💖 (@carynwelbys) August 14, 2017
24. by Jon and Gendry Becoming Besties
Jon and Gendry meeting.
Jon – "you're leaner."
Gendry – "you're shorter."
Both stare at each other in silence. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/lDCeqlFcDV
— Tony D (@Tone636) August 14, 2017
25. For real, though, Jon rarely smiles
26. But then…Jon and Gendry talking about their daddies when they should really be discussing…
27. Yet what we’re all really feeling is
28. Meanwhile poor old, faithful Jorah’s like
29. Of course, the BIGGEST reveal of all was
Rhaegar secretly married Lyanna = Jon Snow is a trueborn Targaryen & rightful heir to the Iron Throne 🐲 Gilly is a genius #GamesOfThrones pic.twitter.com/a2qQvxusMc
— Esko Let's Go! (@eskoletsgo) August 14, 2017
30. Our collective reaction
31. And Sam acting a fool all the while
Sam when Gilly was talking about Jon Snow's true heritage. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/U3eCXSU4Vt
— nicole™ (@braimeoftarth) August 14, 2017
32. But he leaves the Citadel and we’re like
Sam leaving the citadel is like all of us realising how our dreams aren't always what we think them to be#GameofThrones
— bidisha (@bee_muses) August 14, 2017
33. Tormund stealing the only scene he got
"And you need to convince the one with the dragons or the one who f*cks her brother?" This episode accdg to tormund #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/6MacOn2ryk
— Nikko (@kinonikko) August 14, 2017
34. Then We Find Out The Hound And Co Are Also Around
JON, GENDRY, THE HOUND, JORAH, TORMUND, THOROS?! WHO AM I MISSING? I can't think straight #GOT pic.twitter.com/FfzQACLAuw
— Adrian BM (@adrianB_M_) August 14, 2017
35. Finally…too many good memes about the squad
That squad in The Wall. 😎#GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/YwVPzSx0Rv
— Wilfred (@ForniCarias) August 14, 2017
36. Seriously
Jon, Tormund, Jorah, etc. heading out of the tunnel through The Wall like: #GoTS7 pic.twitter.com/nPyX7HLLMa
— King Renly Baratheon 🦌 (@TheKingRenly) August 14, 2017
37. All this
38. The Squad
39. Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad you say pic.twitter.com/8wzgF12q0W
— Brother Mouzone’s Protege (@_Derrt) August 14, 2017
40. Memes
What will the next episode hold? Well, a crap load of White Walkers, for one. Will certainly be holding our breath till then.
Also read:
- Did You Catch the Game of Thrones Bombshell Hidden in Gilly’s Book?
- Game of Thrones Hid a Detail About the Children of the Forest You Might Have Missed
- 22 Twitter Memes For Every Single Moment of Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4
(Image: HBO / Game of Thrones)