22 Game Of Thrones Names That Could Actually Work For A Real Kid

Game of Thrones is one of the most popular TV shows of all time, and for good reason. Based on the A Song of Ice and Fire book series written by George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones is a world in and of itself, including countries, languages and different cultures. It truly is it’s own entire universe, and along with that comes a host of new character names, those we love ( and those we love to hate. As with most things that take over pop culture, the influence of this series can be seen reflected in the baby name trends in the years since it came out.
The thing about most of the character names in the series is that they are unique, but not so silly or unusual that they seem out of place on a modern day birth certificate. Many of the names of the players in the popular series are slightly tweaked traditional names They are changed just enough to keep them seeming timeless and contemporary, yet distinctive enough to make them striking.
The following is a list of Game of Thrones names that actually might work. Warning: May contain spoilers

Arya Stark is arguably one of the most badass characters in the whole Game of Thrones series. The series (and books they are based on) follow Arya from a scrappy little tomboy in her family home of Winterfell to all across Westeros and beyond. The third child of Eddard and Catelyn Stark, Arya is a trained assasin by the Faceless Men and is more inclined towards swords and revenge than to the typical pursuits of highborn ladies. Arya as a name is actually quite pretty, and was in fact #72 in popularity according the data collected by Baby Center for the year 2019.

Despite what some may think, Khaleesi is actually not a character name from Game of Thrones at all. What it actually is, is a title. Daenerys Targaryen, one of the shows’ more popular characters is married to a Dothraki Khal (or king) in the series, giving her the Dothraki title of Khaleesi, which means queen. This is on top of her many other titles, however the only one that would be a decent contender for baby naming purposes. According to data collected by Baby Center, the name Khaleesi placed at #488 in popularity for 2019. It’s a remarkable name, but pretty and exotic enough to actually work.

Sansa is another beautifully unique name from the series. In Game of Thrones, Sansa is the eldest Stark daughter, and one who goes through a great deal during all the conflicts. As a young lady she was often at the mercy of those around her such as Cersei and Littlefinger, however she managed to learn a lot from their schemes and manipulations. Although she has gone through some exceptionally rough times, Sansa continues on as a survivor. In the popular series, she ends up growing and learning a lot from these experiences, reclaiming her family home from those who had taken it from her and becoming a powerful lady of the north.

Shireen is a beautiful name, and not so unusual as to be counted out as a baby name possibility. The name comes from the character Shireen Baratheon, daughter of Selyse and Stannis Baratheon. Satnnis is the brother of the late King Robert, and potential heir to the iron throne after his death. This makes Shireen a potential princess. Shireen is a child in the show, and scarred by a condition called greyscale. She has a very close relationship with Ser Davos Seaworth (also known as the Onion Knight) who treats her kindly as a father would. Shireen is a very pretty name that would be quite suitable for most baby girls.

Catelyn as it is pronounced is not that unusual of a name, however the way it’s spelled in Game of Thrones is. There are already a few iterations of the name in popular use, Caitlyn and Katelyn are a couple of examples. In the series, Catelyn Stark is the Lady of House Stark of Winterfell, and mother to Sansa, Bran and Arya. Catelyn is described as a loyal and noble woman in the series, and certainly would have done anything for her children. Catelyn is a classic name, and one that could be easily shortened to the shorter abbreviation, Cat.

Lyanna is very lovely name, and one that had a massive jump in popularity around the same time as the series debuted, according to Baby Center data. There are a few Lyanna’s in the series, most notable is probably Lyanna Stark, sister of Eddard Stark of Winterfell. Although her death occurred prior to the events of the show, she is an integral part of what caused the dramas that the series focuses on. It was her alleged kidnapping by Rhaegar Targaryen which led to the events of Robert’s Rebellion, which signaled end of the Targaryen dynasty in the series. Additionally, a fan favorite for the show is Lyanna Mormont, a child warrior and leader of a great house of the North. I suppose the takeaway is that if you are hoping for a strong and feisty name for your daughter, Lyanna is a good bet.

If you want a daughter who would be loyal and honorable, there are few characters in the entire series that would be more so than Brienne of Tarth. The name Brienne sounds similar to Brianne or Brianna, names that have already been in use for some time. Although a female, Brienne eschews traditional female roles and instead is a fighter, armed with a sword rather than a dress. Brienne is described as very tall and not overtly feminine, however her loyalty and fighting prowess could not be denied. There definitely seems to be a theme here, if you are looking for names styled after strong female characters that aren’t pigeonholed to traditional gender norms, look no further than the Game of Thrones series.

It’s a shame that this character is such a horrible person, because the name Cersei is actually very pretty and unique. The name on it’s own is so unusual that you may be willing to overlook the character traits of the person it’s based on, however there is a LOT to overlook. Cersei Lannister is a villian in the series, she is the Queen by marriage to King Robert Baratheon and after his death she is the Queen Mother to Joffrey, and then Tommen. At the risk of spoiling too much, she does end up a Queen in her own right, however to get there she has done some horrible things. If you’re looking for a name for a girl that is exotic, and named after a strong female lead then Cercei is a good option… minus perhaps all the evil stuff.

Missandei is a beautiful and exotic name. It is a little on the strange side, but pretty all the same. Missandei in the series is a former slave and advisor to Danaerys Targaryen. She was freed by Daenerys, and chose to stay with her as a close friend and aide to the dragon queen. Missandei is smart, level headed and beautiful, and in the series is portrayed as having a kind and peaceful heart. Missandei is not yet a popular name for baby girls, however it may be a good option for those looking for a interesting, unique sounding name.

Meera is a pretty name, and a great option for a little girl. Meera is another character in the series who does not conform to typical gender roles, or at least how they are portrayed to be in Westeros. Meera Reed is the daughter of Howland Reed, and from the north like Bran and the rest of the Starks. Meera is another fighting girl, and acts as a protector to Bran and her own brother Jojen Reed. Meera is feisty and loyal, and a wonderfully underrated character in the series. If you are looking for a striking name that is not too exotic, Meera is a name that might be appealing.

Although this character did not play a very large role in either the books or the TV series, her name is just beautiful and unique-sounding enough to make it onto this list. Myrcella is an particularly lovely name, and one that would suit many girls. In the series Myrcella is a child, daughter of Cersei and princess of the Seven Kingdoms. Sadly she meets a tragic fate, yet she still has her importance in the story. Myrcella is described as a sweet and beautiful girl, unlike her scheming villainous mother. Myrcella is a beautiful and feminine name, and one that might actually work in the real world.

Bronn is a strong male name, and the character it derives from is one of the most entertaining in the series. Of all the names in Westeros, Bronn is one of the most boring sounding, however it is uncommon which makes it unique. Bronn is a sellsword who ends up in service to Tyrion Lannister, acting as a bodyguard. He is eventually knighted and maintains his allegiances with those who will pay him well in money and power. We have yet to see on which side of history Bronn will end up on in the series. Although not the most honorable character, the name itself is just ordinary enough that it probably wont raise any eyebrows on the playground.

Jorah is a strong name with unique cadence. The character in the series with this name is Jorah Mormont, an exile from Westeros that is with Daenerys Targaryen across the sea. Ever her trusted companion, Ser Jorah is loyal (for the most part) and portrayed as being desperately in love with the dragon queen. He serves her and protects her during her travels to reclaim the iron throne, and is a friend and advisor to the queen. He is a great fighter, and is certainly luckier on the battlefield than he is in love. The name is Jorah is unique, but not so much so that it sounds very unusual, which makes it a viable option for a baby boy’s name.

Oberyn is an exotic name from Game of Thrones, and although it is pretty striking it belongs on this list simply because it sounds cool. The name comes from the character Oberyn Martell, a famed fighter (And lover) from Dorne. Although the entire Dornish plot was a little… lacking, the character of Oberyn was an entertaining watch. He was a passionate person, loyal to his family and lived life with flair. If we want to get specific, his nickname was ever cooler. Also known as the “Red Viper of Dorne”, perhaps sticking with Oberyn as a baby name would be more practical for the average person.

This is another name that would actually work, however you would need to do some significant looking past the character traits of the person whom it’s named after. Sadistic and cruel, Ramsey Bolton was from a family that even had a flayed man on its banner. Gruesome hey? Although Ramsay Bolton started off as a bastard of House Bolton, he was in fact legitimized and came to holding power. Power that someone of his terrible and mean personality should not have had. Although Ramsay was a notorious villain, we do have to admit that his name was kind of cool.

Much like the common name Greg, the name Gregor is not that much of a stretch for a modern baby boy. The character that the name derives from is Gregor Clegane, and he is certainly not a good guy. Instead, “The Mountain” as he’s called (another rad nickname) is described as being a massive beast of a man, a fighter, and a cruel and terrible brother. Although Gregor is not a pleasant character, his name is strong sounding and ordinary enough to blend in at the schoolyard. And hey, if all else fails you can always just shorten it to simply “Greg”.

Oh, Stannis. Stannis is an interesting name, and could be shortened to simply Stan, making it blend in perfectly with most modern names. In the series, Stannis is the brother of King Robert Baratheon, and vies for his place as successive king after Robert’s death. A stern and pious man, Stannis is a devout follower of Melisandre and the Lord of Light, and only seems to be warmed by his love of his daughter Shireen (although that goes a little, ahem, sideways later). Stannis is a very stoic sounding name, and comes from a very stoic character who only does what he believes is right.

Benjen is actually a decent option for a boy as it’s not that much different than Benjamin- just shorter and a little more unique. In the series, Benjen Stark is younger brother to a couple of names that have already been mentioned on this list- Eddard and Lyanna Stark. Benjen is a first commander of the Night’s Watch and end up going missing. He comes back in the series, but at the risk of giving away too much, is changed. Benjen is a name that sounds both classic and interesting, making it a good contender for those looking to name a baby boy.

Euron certainly is an inusual name but it is interesting. Euron Greyjoy is described as being a littel unhinged and a lot cruel, and is certainly one of the more entertaining characters on the show to watch. Although schoolteachers who arebnt familiar with the series may have tyrouble pronouncing this name while taking attendance, it’s really their fault for not being familiar with one of the most famous and popular TV shows of all time.

Eddard is shortened to Ned in the series, but could be shortened to Ed or Ned if chosen. Much like Edward, Eddard is just an interesting spin on the name Ed. Eddard Stark is warden of the North in the series, and known for being a stoic and honorable man. Eddard is married to Catelyn Tully, and is father to Sansa, Robb, Bran, Arya and said to be the father of Jon Snow (wink, wink). Eddard is a decent boys name that can be shortened easily, isn’t hard to spell and wouldn’t actually seem that uncommon for a modern child.

Tommen is an interesting spin on the name Tom, and far more unique than simply Thomas. In the series, Tommen Baratheon is the second son of the villainous queen Cersei (a name who also made this list). He is claimed to be the son of Cersei and King Robert’s marriage, however the truth is much more scandalous. He is prince of the Seven Kingdoms and even ends up king (albeit briefly). Tommen is described as being sweet and kind, much like his sister who also appeared on this list, Myrcella. If you want to name your child Tom and find plain old Thomas boring, Tommen might be a good option for you.

Of all the Game of Thrones names, Theon stands out as being interesting and different. A strong name, Theon is incredibly distinctive, yet probably wouldn’t stick out too much in the real world. The character of Theon is complicated in the series. He is ironborn, belonging to house Greyjoy, however he was raised by the Starks of Winterfell. In the series, Theon goes through a lot of character development, and at different points in the plot acts as both villain and hero. Theon goes through some terrible things, but continually tries to redeem himself and eventually succeeds. If you are looking for a good strong boys name, Theon might be one to consider.