Gallery: The Best Parenting Advice We Received From Our Mothers
No matter how many books, blogs or magazines you read, every mother feels a little lost with their first bundle of joy. There’s just no way to prepare for everything that having a child entails. Inevitably, most mothers break down and ask those closest to them for a little bit of help. For me, that’s always been my mother. She’s gotten calls at midnight as my daughter was screaming bloddy murder and I was sure that one of us was going to die. She’s calmed me down through extreme fevers, extreme tantrums and every other problem my darling girl could throw at me.
This week, I paid a little tribute to my mother and the best advice she ever gave me. It got me wondering what other pearls of wisdom we’ve gotten from those who showed us what motherhood looks like. I talked to writers and here at Mommyish and around the web to find out about the best parenting advice they ever received from their own mamas.
Check out the gallery and share your best advice in the comments.
[Writer’s Note: Not all of us (or our mothers) are up for sharing portraits online. But these wonderful stock photo models are! So let’s pretend these smiling, happy families represent all of us and our loved ones.]