Gallery: Temperatures Drop And Celeb Kids Cozy Up
It’s official. Winter is upon us. At least here in the Midwest, we’re waking up to frost on the grass and small snow flurries. Suddenly, all of my daughter’s adorable chunky sweaters and light jackets simply won’t cut it. No matter how much my daughter protests, we had to go buy her puffy, warm winter coat for the season. And of course, matching hats, gloves and scarves. As we get closer to the holidays, little ones everywhere start to pile on the layers and bundle up every visible piece of skin.
As adults, it’s not fun to be freezing cold and stiff with padding. Unfortunately, kids don’t get to complain about it, mostly because they look so adorable that no one cares. Let’s face it, a little one with scarves wrapped around their head and mittens flopping off their hands is one of the cutest sights in the world.
To get us all ready for the big transition to winter weather, I’ve compiled some adorable pictures of celeb tots cozying up with their famous families. From new Uggs to pea coats, these kids are ready for winter.
(Photos via People & Celebrity Baby Scoop)