Gallery: Scary Movies To Get Your Kids In The Halloween Spirit
Some of our kids are a little more sensitive than others. Some start scoping out the most terrifying Halloween costumes in July and others just want to be their favorite cartoon character, available at their local Target. Plenty of kids love the spider webs and spooky monsters, but a few are just hoping to get through the month without wetting their pants in public. Halloween can be a difficult time for those poor children with anxious energy and a quick gag reflex.
For those of us with easily spooked little ones, we put a lot of time and effort into getting our kids ready for the scary season. We read Halloween books and we carefully plan their social calendar to minimize the terror. But there’s one more way to introduce them to ghosts and witches before the big night. Pull out these kids’ movies and let your children get a little more familiar with some of the spooky symbolism they’re about to encounter.
In our house, it helps to point out that the bad guy never wins! No matter how scary he or she may seem, they always lose to the good guys. It may seem like a pretty basic concept, but it helps our toddler deal with those creepy villains.
Obviously, you have to decide what level your child is at. It always depends on your child, their age, their attitude and the amount of spook they’re ready for. The point is to get them familiar with scary characters, not to give them nightmares or make them want to hide in their room until Thanksgiving.