43 Bizarre Photos Taken Inside Walmart
Oh, Walmart, how we love thee! What with your reasonable rollbacks on your large assortment of products, super-friendly greeters and the awesome customer service from the folks in those recognizable blue vest! You give us so much to love about you! From clothing to automotive, to crafts and electronics – you have pretty much anything we need! If you are lucky enough to have a Super Walmart around your area, then you can do all of your shopping in one place! Groceries? Check. Cute tee-shirt? Check. Oil filter? Double check. No need to be hopping from store to store! It really is your all-in-one stop shop for everything!
But there is another side to Walmart, a weirder side if you will. Just when you have thought you have seen it all, Walmart gives us something to chuckle about. Whether it is a strange product that may seem out of place, or it is someone doing something weird, Walmart is host to many, shall we say, interesting things. We have collected the best of the craziest and most bizarre photos that we could find. And yes, these were all taken inside of a Walmart store. Pull up a chair, get comfortable and check out some of the weirdest Walmart photos below! You’ll have a good laugh, we guarantee it!
Scary Hairy
Imagine just taking your time, strolling through Walmart, picking up the items you need. All of a sudden you round the corner into the grocery aisle and you are greeted by a freaky looking clown. It gives you a bit of a fright, and you might jump back a little bit. But as you stare closer and closer, you realize this is not somebody’s face that is painted like a clown. Oh, no. It is much more interesting than that. It seems that they have dyed or used hair chalk on their hair to make this design. They probably don’t realize how many people they are unintentionally startling, or maybe that’s the point? Perhaps they’re just a big fan of clowns.
Not Nana!
Walmart is home to some splendidly hilarious products. You truly never know what you are going to stumble upon. They are always changing their stock, so it is pretty much always a new and different thing when you go. It just so happens that this “nana” found a slicer…with her name on it. Why would you do that to nana?! Do you see how sad this makes her? We totally get that this is for slicing bananas, so why’d they leave the first two letters off? Sometimes trying to be edgy and different can kind of backfire a little bit.
For When You’re Simply Exhausted
Have you ever just been so exhausted that you have to lay down right wherever you are? For example, in the middle of the automotive section in Walmart? Those must be some really comfortable floor mats! Look at her! She looks so sweet there, probably dreaming of all the rollbacks around the store that she will find when she wakes up. Perhaps her shopping partner is a car fanatic and is looking over all that Walmart has to offer, and she just got tired and waited for them. How long did she sleep? No idea. Perhaps it was a catnap or a 4-hour nap. We’ll never know.
Just Taking Lizzy Out
Seriously, why should all the humans have all the fun? Our pet pals want to get out now and again. Besides, what is better than an impromptu trip to Walmart? Obviously, this little lizard wanted to hang out and do some shopping. Maybe they can pick up some lizard treats while they are there. Wait, no pets allowed inside? Don’t worry, they definitely won’t notice it perched on her shoulder. “Here comes an associate! Quick, hide behind my hair! They will never suspect a thing!” And so, another fun day of shopping at Walmart for Lizzy comes to a close.
Oh, Deer!
You know, the thing about Walmart is that you just never know what you are going to find there! You might save a buck, or you might find a doe. For this man, it was the latter. This happened in Minnesota in 2017. Apparently, the deer had wandered in through an open gate in Walmart’s lawn and garden center. It must have gotten scared and slammed into this man. As when any animal runs headlong into you, the man immediately tackled the deer down onto a large bag of dog food. After getting the deer calmed down, the man, and a few associates helped to get the deer situated back outside.
Where Are We Swimming?
Well, Walmart, where do you plan on us going swimming with this kind of swimwear? We are all seriously confused here. All we see are hats and gloves. That does not seem like appropriate attire for swimming. You know, unless we are living in Antarctica or something like that. Besides, are you insinuating that this is all we are supposed to wear to go swimming? That seems a little risque to us. But hey, swimwear and snow gear both begin with an ‘S’, so we guess we can totally see where this mistake could have easily been made. Kind of.
Marketing Fail
Wow. Just, um, wow. Where do we even start? Who was the associate in charge of putting this Mother’s Day display together? Were these contraceptives just haphazardly placed there by an associate who did not notice the sign above? Or was this perhaps a prank pulled by some shopper in Walmart that thought it would be funny to move a whole display of condoms here? It is obviously one or the other here. Either way, it is totally and completely weird, and totally creepy, too. We are just going to walk briskly past this in Walmart as we hold in our snorts and giggles.
That’s A Little Steep
Okay, so picture this scenario in your mind. You’ve taken your children shopping for back-to-school items. Backpack? Got it. Lunchbox? Check. Notebooks, pencils and the like? Yup, it’s right there in your cart. Now it’s time to grab a water bottle for your little ones. Everyone needs to stay hydrated! You round the corner, and there they are. Your kids run up and pick out their favorites. Surely, they can’t be anymore than $10, right? You look up in horror at the price. $98 for a water bottle? Hey, Walmart? Unless these are made and/or dipped in pure gold, we’re not going to be getting that emoji water bottle, no matter how bad our kids want it.
He Doesn’t Quite Fit In
It’s no wonder that they used to laugh and call him names. We can imagine that fans of the beloved holiday classic film and fans of the Star Wars franchise would be a little miffed. Poor Rudolph over here has everyone calling him Chewbacca, thanks to the display coordinators at Walmart. While this is a great price for a holiday lawn inflatable decoration, this is clearly not Chewbacca. This photo is particularly funny because Rudolph the red-nosed inflatable decoration looks rather confused by the name mix up himself. We imagine that the Chewie decoration is equally as confused, as he is probably being advertised as Rudolph!
We See What You Did There
Are you someone who loves puns? A Pokemon fan, perhaps? Is your vision not that good, though? Not sure if you are looking at an Ekans or an Arbok? Then this is the optical clinic for you! Many Walmarts have vision centers where one can go get their eyes checked and purchase glasses at a reasonable price. We are kind of loving their sense of humor here. It is certainly great to see doctors with a sense of humor! Not only that, but this adorable signage likely bought in tons of customers. Because who doesn’t love Pikachu? He’s so cute!
Do You Even Math, Bro?
Clearly, we should have gotten here sooner to get the better deal! Because, last time we checked, $5.94 is way better than $9.00. However, it says these items are on clearance. So it is all a bit confusing to us. Walmart’s idea of clearance must be vastly different than everyone else’s views. So, do we bring it up to the register and hope for the best? Should we just pass up such a great deal? You really have to love those sweet, sweet rollbacks that Walmart has! Somebody else clearly needs to be put on a different duty.
That’s Not Nice
You’ve got to love it when Halloween rolls around in Walmart stores. You can find all sorts of goodies! From books to creepy makeup kits to costume accessories. Take for example these lame wings. Guys, the word that you are looking for is lame, lame. Pronounced lah-mey, it is a fabric made with metallic threads and woven with different types of fabric. It just seems that Walmart’s marketing department seemed to forget to add that little important mark (the trema) over the ‘e.’ It makes a world of difference. Because otherwise these wings just seem totally lame. Do your research, guys!
The Rollback Reaper
Don’t be afraid, seriously! If you happen to see this creeper following you around the store, don’t even worry about it. He is just trying to make sure that you get the best deals that you possibly can! He is kind of like a fairy-godmother, except he does not dress you up in gowns and send you to balls with handsome princes. Instead, he goes around making sure that Walmart is making good on their rollback promises! He just wants to make sure that everyone is getting a good deal. While he may seem scary at first, the only terrifying thing is how low those prices can go!
Pretty Good Deal
Guys, if you come across a deal like this, you get it while it’s hot. A massive flat-screen television for $6? I think we can swing that! In fact, we’ll take all that you have in stock. We’re going to need way more carts than we have. Everyone in the family is most definitely getting a television for Christmas this year! Sadly, it just seems to be a case of the other numbers being knocked off the sign. The actual price of the television is $698.00. Dang, and we thought we were going to be getting a great deal here.
Those Are Some Great Melons
Summer is the next season coming up! Are you ready? Imagine, a summer snack favorite. A nice and juicy slice of watermelon. You head out to the store to grab one to cut up later and enjoy with the family. You have every intention of picking out the ripest watermelon that they have. Until you get to the display, that is. Um, Walmart? You guys know that these aren’t watermelons, right? They don’t even look like the picture on the box! It seems as though Walmart is not summer ready. That, or they are really confused about what a watermelon looks like.
So, How Much Is It?
We are all about finding great deals on cosmetics! Walmart does have a decent selection of various brands of makeup. Most of the time, their prices are pretty darn reasonable, too. Us ladies are always on the lookout for makeup that matches our precise skin tone. It can be tricky. But this sign in Walmart promises to find a “perfect match.” Okay, we’ll bite. But at what cost? No, literally, at what cost? The associate in charge of setting up this display seems to have forgotten one very crucial thing, the price of the product. Is it reasonable, or is it too pricey?
Divine Signature
Walmart sells quite a variety of different items, including books. There is even an “inspirational” book section. Naturally, this is where the Holy Bible would be. Now, if you are looking to purchase a new bible, Walmart is definitely the place to pick one up. Why, you ask? Well, because they are selling signed copies. How does that even work, you ask? Your guess is as good as ours. Although we are pretty certain that time travel doesn’t exist, unless Walmart employees know something that we don’t. Of course, it doesn’t say exactly who it is signed by. Could be anybody, really.
Are The Recipes Hidden?
Cooking certainly can be a puzzle for some. However, these look absolutely nothing like any cookbook that we have ever seen. Perhaps the recipes are hidden, like some sort of code that we have to figure out. But there are so many puzzle books! Which one to choose? We are willing to bet that the real cookbooks are over in the puzzle book section, with a whole bunch of confused people in both areas. For now, we are just going to grab the jumbo word-search and hope for the best. Maybe there is a recipe for lasagna in there somewhere.
Slow Your Roll
Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there, Walmart. You did not have to take every single ‘new’ sticker that you had and slap it on every single candle. This is all just a little overwhelming for us. Which one do we sniff first? Should we make our way down the aisle? Are these all really new? Because we think we have seen that Ocean Breezes scented candle on the shelf for quite a while now. You can probably chalk this one up to a really bored Walmart employee left alone with a bunch of stickers and quite a bit of time on their hands.
Oh, no. No, no, no.
Woah, Walmart. This seems pretty off. If there are any pictures in these books, we are pretty darn certain that we would not let our children near them to color. These are, ahem, books geared more towards the adult market. This is definitely another case of mislabeling. It looks like we are going to have to start getting our kid’s coloring books from another store. These certainly aren’t the kind of books that we would want in the hands of our little ones. Just go to the art aisle and grab the crayons and let’s get out of here, stat.
Are You Sure?
Well, this is kind of awkward. If you took your young son shopping and ran across this, imagine the questions he would ask! These certainly do not belong in the boys’ basics section! Perhaps we should get an associate to move them over to the ladies’ department? You know, one that knows the obvious differences between boys and girls? Are they at least on sale? We could use a few new ones. Thanks, Walmart, for confusing our kiddos and making us teach them about things they aren’t supposed to know for years. You totally get a thumbs up from us.
Creepy Carseat
“Dora, Dora, Dora the…” What in the hell is that? For a small fee, you too can scare the crap out of your child while simultaneously keeping them safe and sound in the car. Look at this thing. Just look at it. Dora here can have a drink in both hands. We are not entirely sure who had the great idea to put an entire cartoon character, body and all onto a car seat, but they did. Hey, even while your kid is in school, you will also be able to startle the hell out of yourself when you check your rearview mirror. That is not a person in the backseat. Okay, deep breaths.
How’d You Even Get Here?
Okay. We have several questions. The first one is how in the world did you get that car into the store without more damage than a couple of dents and scratches? The second question is why, oh, why on earth would you even do this? Is there a point to this, or did someone take the meaning of “drive-thru” way too far? We know that it’s all about convenience these days, but this is just going overboard. Boy, would we have loved to have been a fly on the wall during the conversation that took place between the driver and the officers!
Not For That Price!
Fuzzy socks are life. They are the gift that keeps on giving. They are so soft, you almost don’t need those fuzzy bunny slippers! You definitely have to stock up on them during the holiday season, though. Otherwise, they can be pretty hard to come by in Walmart during other seasons. Now, we know that inflation is a thing, and the price of products have to adjust accordingly. But $90 for socks? That is pretty outrageous. All we want to do is keep our feet warm! Unless these socks have a built-in heating system, we’re going to have to pass on this deal.
Excuse Me?
Well, um. Where to start? We know that during the holidays, it can be crazy in the stores, especially Walmart. So, someone had to be seriously bored or mischievous. Perhaps both. However, instead of writing out a holly jolly holiday message for all to gaze upon, we get this. Really, guys? Come on now, kids are going to walk through the store and have to see this. Parents will be shocked. Pearls will be clutched. Even though our inner 12-year-olds are secretly chuckling at this display, Walmart’s got to get an associate or one of Santa’s elves to fix those stockings, and soon!
Match Made In Heaven
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman in holy matrimony, and money-saving deals. We mean what we say when we say Walmart is good for everything. Hey, maybe this is where they first met. Although, we are just wondering where they are housing their wedding guests? Also, is the reception going to be in the lawn and garden department? Hey, at least they are not going to be running out of beverages and snacks anytime soon. Just send cousin Sam over to aisle 17 to grab some more food. You know, we don’t think that she got that dress on rollback.
This Can’t Be Beat!
We are always on the hunt for a good bargain, anywhere we go! But Walmart is the place to be for deals that can’t be beaten. Just look at this! You don’t even need a coupon to get these amazing items for free! If we were walking through Walmart and came to a section that is offering up anything for $0.00, we are definitely going to be taking that deal. Toss ’em all in the cart. They’re coming home with us. What are we going to do with them? No idea. But we will figure that part out when we get home.
That’s A Complete 180
Halloween is always a fun time! Walmart always has some great accessories and makeup, and even costumes to peruse. But we are ninety degrees…shoot we mean ninety percent sure that this Halloween costume meant to say “Dark Angel.” Instead, they made a bit of a spelling error. It’s a vague possibility that the person in charge of printing up labels is a little obtuse. See what we did there? It’s a math joke! Okay, moving on, its time to go find a costume that we can figure out. Forget it, we are going to the cosmetics section to treat ourselves!
Hold Your Horses!
We know that not everyone travels by car. Some travel by bus, bicycle or train. Of course, you can travel to different places on horseback. Many people still do travel to various places on horseback. They’re just usually a lot more scenic. We just don’t think that Walmart is one of those places to ride a horse into. First of all, unlike bicycles and cars, you cannot lock a horse. The second problem is that the horse is totally going to get spooked by all of the people that are milling around the store. Next time, cowboy, leave the old girl home and hitch a ride with one of your friends.
Short On Staff?
We don’t really see any Walmart greeters around much anymore. They are always so friendly! Perhaps that is why this particular Walmart decided to create one of their own. Granted, those who do not like puppets might be just a little unnerved if they walk in and see this. The downside to a puppet greeter versus a real live human being is that, well, you can’t really hold a conversation with a puppet. Technically, you could talk to it. But we’re pretty darn certain that this old guy is not going to be answering you back anytime soon, or at all for that matter.
He Sees You When You’re Shopping
Well, now we know exactly how Santa Claus fulfills every little kid’s wishes! He just shops at Walmart! The employees are the elves that help pack the toys. Looks like his cart is a little empty at the moment, though. Perhaps he is just getting a jump on the holiday shopping a little bit early. Otherwise, it can be a crazy season in a place like Walmart! There are an awful lot of children in the whole wide world, after all. We just have one question for the jolly old elf himself. Does he put any of the toys on layaway?
Webbed In Holy Matrimony
You could have one heck of a wedding with these “romantic” wedding supplies! Who needs champagne flutes when you can have Spongebob cups and party hats to celebrate the new couple with? We can even see a piñata or two over in the left corner. No wedding is complete without a piñata! Giving out Jordan almonds as favors are most certainly a thing of the past. Why not, when you can have Spiderman goodie bags instead? Filled to the brim with assorted candies and little toy trinkets! Just think! You can have an incredible wedding while staying way under your budget!
Pecking Lower Prices
Who lost their chicken? Seriously, this chicken over here is looking like a lost little kid. Perhaps it is not really lost and is maybe just shopping for clothes. Someone might want to direct it over to the toddler section, where clothes will be more likely to fit this chick. Or perhaps it’s looking for dinner. Whatever you do, though, do not let him near the rotisserie chickens! It could be one of its relatives! The last thing anyone wants is a freaked-out-chicken-in-toddler’s-clothing running around Walmart. Hopefully, little chickadee’s owner will be reunited with them soon. Chicken little just has to find the service desk first.
Do They Take Requests?
Do you see how many associates are on the cover of that CD? There easily has to be fifty or more. This is probably why there are always usually only 3 or 4 checkout lanes open at one time. The rest of them are in the stockroom, recording for their next big album. We totally want the deets on it! When is the next Walmart Associate Choir album going to drop? We know it won’t be in stores everywhere, because, well, Walmart. Don’t keep us waiting, though! We’re pumped for these albums, so we can sit in our cars in the Walmart parking lot jamming out to them!
You Had One Job
These do not look too much like any kind of dairy products that we have seen before. Is there a new breed of cow out there that we do not know about? Would anyone like to tell us why in the world drink mixers are in the “Dairy Products” section? It certainly does not look like there is any type of dairy product here at all. Just imagine the conversation when someone actually asks where the drink mixes are. “You’ll find them under the section labeled dairy products.” Then, they just walk away, feeling more confused than they did before.
When Is This?
Rise Of The Guardians is a great movie! When a movie drops, Walmart is the place that you want to be, to snag it at the best price, right? Except, it seems that we may have to adjust our calendars. We are not even sure what year to change it to! Does anybody know when March 12nd is? Has it come and gone already? Have we missed it? Are the calendars that we are using even correct? Since Rise Of The Guardians has been out on DVD for some time now, we are going to have to guess that March 12nd is way behind us now.
Happy Hippo!
Maybe someone in the design department was a little too happy when designing this. Did the Walmart associate that was tasked with placing these out on display even look at them? We want to start our little ones out on the right foot. That definitely includes teaching them all about animals! Which means in good conscience, we definitely cannot be putting this romper on our little one! How confusing would that be? They would see a picture of a rhino and yell “Hippo!” It is a cute romper, we’re not saying it’s not, but whoever designed this needs to get their animals straight.
No Spoon For You!
Once again, is there something that we are missing, that we do not know about? Perhaps during a zombie apocalypse, these could be used as spoons, when there are no more left. But at the current moment? These are not dinner spoons. At all. They are clearly a pack of three forks. You could very well try scooping up some delicious soup or enjoying some yummy ice cream with a fork. But we bet that it would not be much of a great experience. Everything will just strain right through. It’s worse than losing your ice cream off the cone.
Beach Bum
There is nothing better than an impromptu trip to the beach! Naturally, you are going to want to stock up on some essentials before you go, though. For example, you might want to pick up some sunscreen. Now, you have summer shoes, but they’re not really fit for the beach, and you don’t want to get them dirty and full of sand. So, naturally, Walmart’s ninety-eight cent flip-flops are a perfect answer to this dilemma. You round the corner to the box full of shoes and are greeted with this sight. Cover your little one’s eyes! Yet another design fail! They could have definitely chosen a better placement for the flip-flops.
What Are You Suggesting?
Even if you have not read the Fifty Shades of Grey series, or seen the movie, you probably have heard a little bit of what it is about. We aren’t going to spoil it here if anyone is planning on reading it or seeing the movie. But let’s just say that the placement of handcuffs next to the book are a little, suggestive, shall we say? Not too sure what Walmart was thinking with this display. But hey, check out the cuffs. They have quick release safety latches! So, that’s pretty good. Although the fact that the cuffs are toys made for children 8 years and older, placed next to these books is a little unnerving.
Is that you, Batman? If you are trying to disguise yourself, you are not trying hard enough, Mr. Wayne. We can clearly see the Batman logo emblazoned across your chest. You cannot run from us. We are still totally going to buy your movie, even though you seem to be missing your ears, or is there something wrong with your mouth? We can’t quite put our finger on it. Little kids who are big fans of the Batman franchise may be a little weirded out by this display. Us parents, though? We are over here laughing pretty hard, and kind of wishing that we could take this display home.
Creepy Cookies, Anyone?
While we do see what you were going for, it just is not working. It is a cute idea, for certain! An innovative way to get people to buy cookies! But if this were at our local Walmart, we would speed right by this. Okay, maybe we would very quickly snag a bag of cookies. It looks like if anyone goes near this display, they might get their hand bit off. Also, something is pretty off with his eyes. He might want to see someone about that. ‘C’ may be for cookie, but this is not good enough for us.
When You See It
The advertisement made it pretty open for gags like this. It does say bold eyes. So that is just what someone took it upon themselves to do, make bold eyes. Indeed, they are quite bold. Of course, when you are shopping for makeup and cosmetics, the last thing that you want to see is a giant woman staring down at you with googly eyes. It almost feels like she is silently judging you and your cosmetics choices. Of course, this has got us to wondering, how exactly did someone get up there without anyone noticing and stick eyes on this display?