12 Mommy Martyr E-Cards To Remind You That Being A Mom Is Hard
If you’ve ever used social media, and if you’ve ever popped a baby out of your lady hole, then you have most definitely seen a mommy martyr e-card.
The new e-card phenomenon is quite interesting. Most of the time, you’re not really sending an e-card to anyone in particular, as you would a piece of snail mail. Instead, modern day e-cards are used as advertisements: Post them on Facebook or pin them on Pinterest to show what your #momlife is all about.
I honestly think some mom e-cards are really funny, and I may or may not have liked a few in the past month. These funny e-cards were clearly created by self-deprecating moms with a sense of humor. But every now and again, I see a really strange e-card on my Facebook feed. This e-card may perpetuate the sad sack mom stereotype, or it may simply be a cry for help.
I’m still trying to figure them out myself, so you tell me. Behold””the saddest of the sad mommy martyr e-cards on social media:
1. Turns Out That Mom Brain Is A Permanent Side Effect Of Pregnancy.
2. The Perfect E-Card To
Scare Congratulate A Pregnant Friend.
11. Babies Are Just Tiny Tyrants, Yuk Yuk Yuk.
(Image: Pinterest; someecards)