Here Are Some Hilarious Tweets From #PeterPanLive, Clearly The Best Hate-Watching Since Sharknado
Confession time – I don’t care about Peter Pan. I was never into it as a child, and I had no interest in watching the remake. None. Until now.
I just read the #PeterPanLive Twitter feed, and I can’t stop laughing. It seems like this may be the best hate-laugh-watch since Sharknado. Or R. Kelly’s Trapped In The Closet. What have I missed? Take a look at some of these tweets and tell me if you won’t be joining me in praying that this atrocity is somewhere on your cable On-Demand channels.
#PETERPANLIVE is like a live musical but without all the interestingness.
”” Adam Mordecai (@advodude) December 5, 2014
ICYMI: This was the least exciting sword fight of all time. #PeterPanLive
”” Bustle (@bustle) December 5, 2014
I wish #PeterPanLive was actually a live feed of a happy, obese bulldog in a tub sneak-eating Peter Pan peanut butter from the jar.
”” Grace Helbig (@gracehelbig) December 5, 2014
They straight up have Tigerlily wearing Sephora lipstick and a Bob Mackie outfit from J. Lo’s world tour. #PeterPanLive ”” Ira Madison III (@irathethird) December 5, 2014
This is the “Batman Forever” of Peter Pans. #PeterPanLive ”” Bertolt Blecht (@benschwartzy) December 5, 2014
Can’t believe Christopher Walken is up this late. #PeterPanLive ”” Joshua Malina (@JoshMalina) December 5, 2014
Tinkerbell sounds just like the iPhone alarm and these kids are still asleep? I don’t buy it. #PeterPanLive ”” Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) December 5, 2014
IF YOU LIKED IT THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE PUT A RING ON IT. #PeterPanLive ”” rachelsklar (@rachelsklar) December 5, 2014
Peter Pan grows up to be that guy who gets really angry when you phase him out on Tinder. #PeterPanLive ”” rachelsklar (@rachelsklar) December 5, 2014
Never forget #PeterPanLive #watchwithUs ”” Us Weekly (@usweekly) December 5, 2014
Has anyone in this production ever even seen a crow? #PeterPanLive ”” Rebecca Eisenberg (@ryeisenberg) December 5, 2014
It’s not easy to sword fight in a full-length nightgown #PeterPanLive
”” The Gloss (@theglossdotcom) December 5, 2014
This was always the most disturbing scene in The Deer Hunter. #PeterPanLive
”” Dale Seever (@DaleRadio) December 5, 2014