WBC’s Fred Phelps Dies On First Day Of Spring And International Happiness Day
Fred Phelps, leader of the infamous hate-spewing, funeral-picketing Westboro Baptist Church is dead. As you can imagine, there are a lot of people who really don’t care.
I’m not judging anyone who responds to his death with glee or hatred. I don’t think spewing hate is necessarily the right response, because it’s what he did and was comfortable with, and frankly he would probably get a kick out of that kind of thing. Clearly he enjoyed the hate he elicited from others or he would not have spent his life the way he did.
It’s been reported that he was a very lonely man at the end of his life and I’m not surprised. Seeing many angry Twitter responses to his life doesn’t surprise me either; you reap what you sow. But let’s just get it all out of our systems today, because this man doesn’t deserve even a moment more of our time. He dedicated his life to spewing hate and ignorance and repeatedly caused stress and grief to those who were mourning.
I’d like to point out that he died on the first day of spring and the International Day of Happiness. He would have hated that. The universe has a good sense of humor.