Filmmaker Dad Shoots Awesome Time-Lapse Video Of Daughter’s First 12 Years
How’s this for cool? Dutch filmmaker Frans Hofmeester shot his daughter Lotte once a week from the time she was born until she turned 12 years old. He then edited down his footage into a short clip, which you can view here. I can’t imagine any parent watching this and not getting at least a little bit teary-eyed (okay, so I was full-on bawling).
Lotte’s a beautiful girl, that’s for sure, but what’s so touching about the whole thing is how Hofmeester has managed to capture his child’s personality in a mere 2 minutes, 45 seconds. She’s talking in many of the shots and though we can never hear what she’s saying, her expressions say it all.
Lotte literally grows up before our eyes, which is a pretty amazing thing to see. It’s all so real. And it makes you stop and remember to savor the moment because you can’t watch this video and not think, “Holy shit, time flies.” Check it out below and you’ll see what I mean. It’s just amazing!
[vimeo video=”40448182″]