Fox & Friends #OverIt2014 Hashtag Gloriously Backfires
The geniuses at Fox & Friends created the hashtag #OverIt2014, presumably so their fans could jam Twitter feeds with a bunch of right-wing bullshit. When will anyone learn? Liberals understand Twitter and will hijack your hashtag faster than you can say “I blame Obama.”
Bustle pointed out that research has shown Facebook seems to be a friendlier place for conservatives. Pretty sure anyone who has spent any time perusing a Facebook feed over-run with conservatives could attest to that fact. Twitter, however, is for liberals. Probably because it’s harder to be clever in 140 characters and our conservative friends just can’t keep up.
Here are some examples of the hijacking of #OverIt2014.
I just love Fox News’ #OverIt2014 Hashtag!
”” Steve Richardson (@darcrich) December 31, 2014
#OverIt2014 Only 2% of the world’s population is blonde, but you wouldn’t know that from watching Fox News. ”” JRehling (@JRehling) December 31, 2014
#OverIt2014 How Fox News keeps convening panels of all white people to talk about “race & politics” ”” Buh Bye GOP (@BuhByeGOP) December 31, 2014
Has-been racist Republicans never ever go away, they just go on @FoxNews #OverIt2014 @SPeteDave @Marmel @SteveScalise ”” The Baxter Bean (@TheBaxterBean) December 31, 2014
I’m over Fox #propaganda pretending to be “journalism” in defense of a fascistic/corporatist plutocracy #overit2014
”” Yen Lo McGovern (@YenLo_at_Pavlov) December 31, 2014
#OverIt2014 Stupid Fox “News” pundits ”” Buh Bye GOP (@BuhByeGOP) December 31, 2014
Let’s rebrand @FoxNews channel to the new #FoxComedyChannel! – they wont need to change any of the programming. #OverIt2014
”” Michael A. Palmieri (@mikepalmi) December 31, 2014