Watch Your Nightmares Come Alive As This Bounce House Flies Off With Kids Inside

kids-playing-bounce-houseBounce houses are the latest in seemingly fun kids things that are actually insanely terrifying, and someday our kids will probably wonder how we ever let them play in one. Already this year we’ve covered two bounce house accidents in which the bounce house was carried off by the wind like nightmarish child-filled balloon, and now there’s a third.

According to Raw Story, Memorial Day festivities took a scary turn in Fort Lauderdale yesterday when a water spout came ashore and sent a bounce house flying almost 50 feet off the ground. Three children — all under 8 years old — were inside the bounce house at the time and all three of them were seriously injured, with two of them landing on sand and one of them slamming onto concrete near the beach.

”She was in shock, she couldn’t talk. She was just screaming. Her mouth was bloody,” said Jammelia Wray, who identified herself as a cousin of the two children who landed on the sand. ”My other little cousin’s mouth was bloody. He was just laying there. He was shaking.”

All three children were hospitalized and the bounce house finally landed almost 150 feet away from it’s original location. According to the Fort Lauderale Sun-Sentinel, one of the children was held overnight for observation, but the other two were treated for minor injuries, including fractures, and released.

As crazy as it sounds, there was no thunderstorm or obvious sign that anything was going on. A witness said there was no sign the water spout had even formed. If you watch the video, you can just barely make out the ripples in the water at the base of the spout before it hits the beach and turns into what’s technically an EF-0 tornado. Even once it’s on the beach, you still can’t really see anything except things flying around in its wake.

I wouldn’t expect a bounce house to be able to withstand a tornado, but this isn’t the first time one has had aspirations of becoming a rocket ship. Last year around this time a bounce house was thrown 30-40 feet through the air due to strong winds, and in the fall a bounce house went flying because it was improperly secured. Nothing about these accidents makes me feel warm and fuzzy about allowing my kids into one of these inflatable death traps. I hate to be the paranoid mom, but outdoor bounce houses might soon be added to my no-fly list.

[youtube_iframe id=”UFP2i2EJzJc”]
(Photo: Kali Nine LLC / iStock / Getty)

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