For Your YouTube Babysitting Files: Bert Interviews Andy Samberg
[youtube=] One of my favorite babysitting methods is what I call “YouTube babysitting.” You know how time becomes something completely different when you become a parent? Where you can accomplish in 15 minutes what used to take you four or five hours? What I’ve also learned is that a good YouTube clip can enable me to, you know, prepare a meal, run a load of laundry, or make a quick phone call.
We’ve found some great stuff on YouTube. Other times, not so much.
I’ve literally never seen my husband so disappointed as the time he learned that I’d been letting the baby listen to Kesha’s — I’m sorry, Ke$ha’s — “Tick Tock” train wreck. Let me explain: I came across a parody video of the song and noticed that the baby, who had a pretty temperamental disposition those days, absolutely loved the song. So if she was about to have a breakdown, I’d play it and she’d be all better. Listen, I was tired. But my guitar-playing, music-loving husband wisely suggested we find other, less objectionable songs, much less videos. The other YouTube babysit disaster we had was when I accidentally came across Katy Perry’s “Hot And Cold” video with Elmo. My oldest saw the heavily make-upped, barely clothed Perry once and has been asking to see the video again since then (I’ve declined).
Anyway, I wonder if the girls would enjoy this video of Bert interviewing “actor, comedian, filmmaker, esteemed Leo, haiku lover, pancake visionary and all around groovy guy” Andy Samberg. I loved it. And it’s yet more proof that Mr. Samberg does better work outside of Saturday Night Live skits than within them.