For Moms, Exercising With One Child Is Easy. What About Two Or More?
After I had my first child, there were so many options if I wanted to get back in shape: Mommy and Me Yoga. Mommy and Me Pilates. Stroller Brigade. And they all seemed awesome. It’s hard to exercise enough without having to coordinate irregular childcare. Or if you’re already forking out the cash for a nanny or daycare, spending more for the luxury of exercising can be a burden.
But check out this story from the Tennessean about “The Bambino Brigade,” a group of ladies who wear their children and go hiking. It’s true that my own Ergo purchase coincided with a hiking trip in Oregon. And, for the record, I love my Ergo for hiking with my children, even my heavy now-2-year-old. But here’s the deal, what the heck happens when you go from having one child to two?
You can’t wear both children and go on a hike or train for a marathon. That’s unpossible.
But women still need to take care of their health, since studies show that young adult mothers participate in less activity than their childless peers. Pediatrics, a journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, reports that childless young women get about an hour more moderate to vigorous physical activity each week than new moms, who get about 2.36 hours. This disparity must get much worse when you have more than one child and have to jungle multiple naps and schedules.
What are we to do? We need a Bambino(s) Brigade, right? Any moms have tips on how you can exercise with multiple young children?