Boxing’s Classiest Athlete Floyd Mayweather Accuses Ex Of Having An Abortion Via Facebook
Boxing’s classiest athlete Floyd Mayweather gave us all a lesson in dignity Thursday when he posted a sonogram photo on Facebook allegedly belonging to his ex, Shantel Jackson, along with a caption claiming that she had aborted his unborn twins. According to TMZ, Jackson first claimed to have miscarried the twins due to the stress of her tumultuous relationship with Mayweather. Later, representatives from a Showtime reality program that Jackson had been working on allegedly contacted Mayweather and revealed the “truth” (just in time for his highly anticipated fight with Marcos Maidana in Las Vegas, of course):
“Somebody from Showtime contacted me and said ‘Floyd, I’m glad you didn’t put that picture out there because she didn’t have a miscarriage,’ But I feel bad because she was telling me the whole time that basically stress from me made her have a miscarriage but all in all, she went and got an abortion.”
Mayweather went on to claim that Jackson terminated her pregnancy due to fears of what it would do to her body. Silly Shantel! Doesn’t she realize that since Mayweather paid for plastic surgery procedures, that she no longer has any say over what happens to her body? And why would she worry anyway? In Mayweather’s world, women are nothing but expensive, baby-making Humpty Dumptys that can easily be put back together again…
No, really…
He said that:
“It hurt my feelings all because she’s selfish because all she’s worried about is looks, talking about ‘I don’t want to mess my body up.’ Everything you got on your body, I paid for so it’s okay. Even if you had the baby- even if you had the babies, if you wanted me to put you back together like I did in the beginning, I could’ve done it again.”
Of course, Mayweather isn’t completely heartless. Just because the man has no qualms about using Jackson’s alleged abortion as a publicity stunt to “set the record straight,” doesn’t mean that he didn’t love her! Hell, he loved her even when she was a veritable sea hag (aka pre-plastic surgery) which basically makes him a saint:
“I’m all like, everything you got on you is fake…you know you got a fake butt, you’ve got fake titties, you got work done on your face.That’s how you know my love was genuine because I accepted you from the heart: no breasts, no butt, no face work. I accepted you because it was real love. Pure love.”
Pure love indeed.
(Photo: Getty Images)