Family Surprises Grandma with a New Baby for Christmas, and Her Reaction Is Perfect
According to Scary Mommy, Eva Goeb had no idea that her son and his wife had adopted a baby just 10 days earlier. She knew they were planning on adopting, because Goeb’s daughter-in-law, Miranda, just retired from the Air Force in September to start the adoption process.
In November Donny and Miranda Goeb learned that they were going to be parents and met with the expecting birth mother, but they opted to keep the news secret from their parents until they knew they had a baby for sure. Adoption can be a fraught process, and they didn’t want to share the news with the grandparents until their baby was in their arms.
”We wanted to protect our hearts and theirs,” Miranda Goeb said to WTHR. ”Once the baby was officially placed with us, to become our daughter, we decided that it was not the type of news to be shared over the phone.”
Their reticence makes sense logically, and it also allowed Donny and Miranda to catch the new grandma on video in a truly heart-warming display of joy. The new baby’s name is Melissa Faith, and she’s Eva Goeb’s first grandchild, and Eva Goeb loses her mind over that newborn in the way only a new grandparent can. If you’re at all a crier–as I certainly am–you’re going to need a whole box of tissues to watch this. But you should do it anyway, because it’s the most heartwarming thing you’ll see all day.