Tear-Jerking Daddy-Daughter Lesbian Wedding Expedia Ad Has Earned My Money

Expedia may have just earned my money thanks to this heartwarming story. In a little over three minutes, the company managed to tap into a father’s discomfort with his daughter’s sexuality, his journey in overcoming said anxiety, and eventually supporting her on her wedding day. It’s a tall order with pretty dresses to boot but they managed to bring it all together with a corporate endorsement. Here’s my money, Expedia. You win.

Behold as the company uses the whole “travel” concept in a triple metaphor: the growing up of Jill, daddy’s little girl, he and wife’s eventual arrival at the wedding site, and his own internal journey towards acceptance. Spliced with adorable baby photos, a daddy daughter dance, and a walk down the aisle, I’m a sniffling mess. It’s only at the end of the mini Lifetime movie that we even see that this entire emotional investment is actually a commercial — as in an advertisement — as in some very clever and manipulative storytelling in the name of money making.

Way to expertly capitalize on that deep familial love and the confliction of parenting with a pretty little bow.

You’re sly, Expedia. And you totally got me.

[youtube_iframe id=”ThzdsnXeE28″]

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