Evening Feeding: What Preschool Play Really Means
Taking a look at what preschoolers do all day. (Parents.com)
Kristen Stewart can’t feel guilty about cheating forever. (The Stir)
First lady face-off: are you an Ann or Michelle? (DoubleX)
Jennifer Garner gives 3-year-old Seraphina a piggy-back ride. (Celeb Baby Laundry)
A look at the many BFFs of Gwyneth Paltrow and how they got the role. (The Frisky)
Halloween happy hour needs boooooooze. (The Hairpin)
Rekindle your romance to feel just like the honeymoon phase. (Your Tango)
Red wine (and other things) can give you more energy. (YouBeauty)
For women, the wage gap starts early. (HuffPo Women)
One pregnant woman shares her favorite expectant mom blogs. (Babble)
(photo: matka_Wariatka / Shutterstock)