Evening Feeding: Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell Backs Off The Invasive Ultrasound Law
Officials who met with McDonnell say that the bill’s supporters didn’t understand how invasive the transvaginal ultrasound truly is, and now that they know, they’re changing their tune (DoubleX)
Conan O’Brien‘s hilarious Girl Scout cookies Joke (The Stir)
Jessica Simpson is having a girl! (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Manage morning sickness at work (Parents.com)
Have you experienced the “doorway effect”? (YourTango)
Everything you need to know about genderbread sexuality (The Frisky)
How to preserve a wedding dress (The Hairpin)
A cupcake a day keeps the pounds away? (YouBeauty)
What Downton Abbey and the American Girl dolls have in common (HuffPo Women)
Why I still might be nursing at 48 months (Babble)