Evening Feeding: Penn State Scandal Encourages Victims To Come Out
The Penn State child rape scandal is inspiring large numbers of people to come forward with their histories of being victimized (DoubleX)
Say “Happy Thanksgiving’ with a big DIY banner (Stylelist Home)
Angelina Jolie and children wave goodbye to Vietnam (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Fergie‘s friends say she is pregnant (Holly Baby)
Chicken soup for your cold (Parents.com)
How to become a better listener (YourTango)
11 cool celebrity sister duos (The Frisky)
The Liz Taylor online auction is a thing (The Hairpin)
Skincare for 30-somethings (Truth In Aging)
Clever ways to save money on beauty essentials (YouBeauty)
The drugs one in four women are taking (HuffPo Women)
TSA changes airport security for kids (Babble)