Evening Feeding: New Social Networking Site For Parents Of Autistic Kids
Now there is a social networking site that aims to connect parents of children with autism, to share resources, advice or even support and empathy (WaPo)
Why do so few mothers want to work full-time? (DoubleX)
A new use for old music (Stylelist Home)
Angelina Jolie on her children’s different personalities (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Get Nicole Kidman‘s celeb mom style (Holly Baby)
22 ways to celebrate with baby (Parents.com)
Katie Couric is single again (YourTango)
How to use your smartphone to send holiday cards (The Frisky)
“Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies” on a glass harp (The Hairpin)
A post-laser wrinkle treatment (Truth In Aging)
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More proof that women are good at math (HuffPo Women)
Things I want to do before getting pregnant again (Babble)
(photo: Shutterstock)