Evening Feeding: Baby Chats With Siri Like It’s a Real Person
How cute is this little guy? (The Stir)
5 things this mama wants for Christmas. (Babble)
Rapists say they rape because of mixed signals and The Good Men Project believes them. (DoubleX)
Rachel Zoe and Skylar bond over toys. (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Parents Predict: The big issues for 2013 (Parents.com)
11 celebs you won’t believe went nude! (YourTango)
The best GIF-related stories I read this year. (The Hairpin)
Drew Barrymore reacts to Kristen Wiig dating her ex. (The Frisky)
6 secrets to lessen your financial load. (YouBeauty)
7 ways to start having sex again. (HuffPo Women)
Image via kvue.com