Evening Feeding: Are Stay-At-Home Dads Just Babysitting?
The U.S. Census Bureau considers moms who care for their children to be the standard, whereas men who care for their children are, in essence, baby-sitting (DoubleX)
A fantastic way to repurpose scarves (Stylelist Home)
Victoria Beckham and Harper: a jet-setting duo (Celeb Baby Laundry)
How Beyonce is dropping her baby weight (Holly Baby)
15 pound baby born in China (Whats Trending)
Heavenly chocolate recipes for Valentine’s Day (Parents.com)
Kate Hudson shows off post-baby body (YourTango)
Senator Constance Johnson suggests “every sperm is sacred” (The Frisky)
Allow women into your life (The Hairpin)
The five best couples (Truth In Aging)
Grocery stores are loaded with germs (You Beauty)
So you want to buy a sex toy (HuffPo Women)
How to ruin a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner (Babble)