Evening Feeding: Anthony Weiner’s Wife Huma Abedin Is Pregnant
Anthony Weiner‘s wife Huma Abedin is expecting a baby (The New York Times)
Michele Bachmann has implied that she would be better presidential nominee than Sarah Palin because she doesn’t have young children (DoubleX)
Gene mutations could cause autism in boys and other disorders in girls (The Los Angeles Times)
Make your home more summer-y (ShelterPop)
Kourtney Kardashian and her son hang out in NYC (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Still living together after divorce? (YourTango)
Blake Lively‘s favorite date location is Disneyland (The Frisky)
Kick those bad habits before you get pregnant (Parents.com)
Make your own pop up cards for Father’s Day (The Hairpin)