Here Comes Peter Cottontail With Some Ten Dollar Organic Edible Easter Grass
Tim’s Real Easter Basket Grass is a must-have this Easter holiday. 100% Chemical Free, this Easter basket essential will allow for a worry-free Easter morning knowing that those jelly beans the bunny left unwrapped in the basket are safe for your children, or you!, to eat.
Seriously? I’m sorry, but if your kid eats the stupid Easter grass that comes in the basket you may have bigger concerns than whether or not the 99 cent crap you get at your local Walgreens is ruining the environment. I freaking HATE Easter grass- the pink or blue or yellow plastic cellophane crap you usually find in most baskets. It gets all over the place, it gets tangled un the beater brush of your vacuum, and if you are a cat owner like I am you know your cat LOVES this shit and if they eat some of it they will also puke this shit up and you are left with brightly colored strands of neon cellophane all over your house.
But there is an alternative between buying the drugstore planet-ruining garbage and the edible organic forage grasses grown in Vermont version – be like me and don’t buy either.
Your kids won’t care. No kid is ever going to pitch a fit because their basket doesn’t have GRASS in it. And ten bucks will buy you a whole lot of Cadbury cream eggs. You are welcome.
(Image: dean and deluca)