Cheatsgiving Recipe Contest: Grape Salad
This recipe is an entry in our Cheatsgiving Easy Recipe Contest. It comes to us from reader Jen H. Voting begins 11/21!
Every year ”newbies” are tasked with bringing a new dish to Thanksgiving. One year at Thanksgiving my brother’s girlfriend wanted something sweet to eat but nothing heavy like pie or cookies. Since I had to bring something anyway I tried to find something for her. My grandfather is diabetic and so he can’t eat pies and sweets. While it IS sweet, this is something he can eat while the rest of us nosh on pies and cakes and brownies. He especially gets jazzed for dessert because now he can join us.
It was such a hit that first year that it has become a staple dessert at all family events. The girlfriend? Not so much. She didn’t make it to that Christmas. We still remember her though, because without her we wouldn’t have grape salad every Thanksgiving. I guess we should probably change the name from Grape Salad to Kiana Salad, because it’s her fault we still have it on the table.