10 DIY Halloween Projects That Won’t Make You Cry Because You Hate DIY Shiz
It’s the most wonderful time, of the year! Come on people Johnny Mathis it up with me all Halloween style! I LOVE Halloween. But what I don’t love is spending a gazillion dollars on new decor even though I want everything new always. Target is VERY dangerous for me during the Halloween season. When I am smart and I have extra milk money I love to hit the department stores the days after a major holiday and squirrel away Halloween decorations I have bought on the cheap for the next year, but even doing that I still find more things I want! I also love doing busy projects with my kids because it amuses them and I love kid crafts, but to be honest I am more Miley Cyrus than Martha Stewart and I am totally joking because I am NOT like Miley at all except I also love red lipstick. But I would assume Miley also sucks at crafts like I do so maybe we are more alike than I think. Anyway, here are 10 DIY crafts for lazy moms like me who suck at the glue gun.
Halloween Balloons
(Image: Pinterest)
These are so stupid and by stupid I mean STUPID easy! All you need is a sharpie and some orange and white balloons. You could probably cut out eyes and mouths and let your kids take a glue stick to these babies too.
Milk Jug Luminaries
Find the tutorial at eighteen25.com, and if your kids drink milk like my kids do you should roughly have 600 milk jugs by Halloween.
Spider Cookies
This is blowing my mind it looks so disgustingly cool. According to Pinterest, you take a toothpick when your cookies are still warm and drag the toothpick through chocolate chips to make legs. Your kids could totally do that.
Mustache Pumpkins
Eyeball Trees
From Spoonfull, if you have some branches and some google eyes and some dime store cobwebs, you and your kids can whip us some spoooooky branches in no time at all.
Paper Plate Spiderwebs
There is no tutorial for this one but because I’m a genius and you are as well I think we can figure this one out. Little kids LOVE lacing things so I am especially fond of this craft idea.
Gelatin Worms
I keep seeing these all over Pinterest and I am dying to try them! I find it very difficult to believe that the “worms” are that easy to release but I want to give it a go anyway. Maybe a bunch of us should attempt this and post our results.
Creepy Trees
Another awesome “Why didn’t I think of that?” idea. I am totally doing this. I always have paper rolls and glow sticks are dirt cheap at the dollar store.
Milk Carton Ghost
And More Elegant Ghosts
I love these so much, and it may be tricky for me to accomplish on my own, but I can force my husband to help me and the kids, riiiiiight?
And also, a bonus biker baby because this made me crack up.