Easter Morning Finds Hundreds Of Moms The World Over Politely Declining Offers Of Marshmallow Peeps
My kids have already discovered their baskets and are currently making Lego structures and asking me if it’s OK that they eat a Cadbury cream egg. We don’t attend church (boooo!) but we do have brunch reservations for later in the day, and I will thank the universe for all of my people (not peep-le) being happy and healthy and for daffodils and the fact that the brunch I’m attending has something called a Bacon Bloody Mary. Easter is such a happy holiday, because to me it always signifies spring and rebirth and time spent with family, and even though the holiday doesn’t have a lot of religious significance to me I appreciate that it does for many and I sure do love seeing everyone dressed up in their Easter dresses.
We didn’t dye eggs this year, because I currently have no kitchen, and I wasn’t able to leave a cute trail of candy to baskets, because I currently have no floors. I didn’t go super crazy with Easter this year, no mall trips to see the bunny, no cute breakfast prepared with cinnamon rolls and all of that good stuff. I would have mom-guilt about all of this but the kids are happy and a nice part of them getting older is that some of the pressure is off to make Easter a sort of “second Christmas.”
One thing I do love is Easter candy, especially those hard chocolate eggs that are like M&M’s but aren’t, the ones made by Cadbury that come on a lovely array of pastel colors. I have never been a fan of the Peep, but I sure do love the cute things people create with Peeps and maybe next year I will make them into something clever like so many of you parents are doing this Easter.
So my darling Mommyish people, what are you doing, what are you making, who is coming over? Feel free to leave me comments so I can feel jealous and make you feel better in case your own mother criticizes your ham baking skills.
(Images: Serious Eats & Awkward Family Photos)