20 Easter Egg Hunt Upgrades Your Kids Will Talk About For The Next 20 Years
As a parent, are you aware that the traditional Easter egg hunt is totally BORING? Get with the times, Mom and Dad! If you have a Pinterest account or even a dial-up Internet connection, you’ll soon find out that Easter egg hunt upgrades are aplenty.
This simply means that you can use cool ideas to make your kid’s Easter egg hunt even better this year. The beauty of this plan is that Easter egg hunt upgrades take very little effort on your part. And you’ll always come up smelling like roses because your kids will think that you put tons of thought into their Easter Egg-stravaganza. You are so smart.
Make sure to bookmark these top 20 Easter egg hunt upgrades so that you will never run out of ideas until your kids graduate college:
1. Glow-In-The-Dark Egg Hunt.
2. Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt At Night.
3. Hunt For The Easter Basket.
4. Color-Coded Eggs For Each Kid.
5. Easter Egg Hunt By Teams.
6. Find All The Eggs Filled With Puzzle Pieces To Complete The Puzzle.
7. Alphabet Egg Hunt From A-Z.
8. Traveling Neighborhood Easter Egg Block Party.
9. Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt In An Apartment.
10. Easter Egg Hunt In A Baby Pool.
11. Easter Egg Hunt In The Bath.
12. Easter Egg Hunt In A Community Pool.
13. Easter Egg Treasure Hunt.
14. Hunt For The Golden Egg To Earn A Prize.
15. Easter Eggs Filled With Bunny Bucks.
16. Egg Hunt Checkpoints Tell An Easter Story.
17. Easter Egg Messages Earn Big Prizes.
18. Easter Eggs Filled With Fortune Cookie Fortunes.
19. Easter Egg Charades.
20. Redeemable Easter Egg Coupons For Teens.
(Image: Malija/Shutterstock; Jenn Huls/Shutterstock; Kzenon/Shutterstock)