Dude Found His Wife’s Fidget Spinner, but It Has Three Heads and Vibrates
Fidget spinners are everywhere right now. The weird little spinning toys were designed to help people with attention issues to focus better, but now some people say they’re just making people focus on the fidget spinners and causing even more of a distraction, and some teachers have banned them from classrooms for bothering other students. But even with all that going on, fidget spinners are still everywhere, and now one Redditor found one in his wife’s underwear drawer and posted a photo yesterday writing, “Found my wife’s fidget spinner.”

As Refinery 29 points out, the joke here is that this is not a fidget spinner at all, it’s a purple vibrator. Apparently it’s from Trojan and costs $25, but it really does look a whole lot like a fidget spinner. The vibrator is the same size and shape as a fidget spinner, but really it’s a three-headed vibrator with three different heads with different textures.
Of course nobody who has ever seen a vibrator or who knows that “Trojan” makes condoms and sex toys ever thought for a moment that this was really a fidget spinner, but the fact that the Redditor wasn’t actually confused about what he found in his wife’s underwear drawer does not seem to have damaged the value of the joke much. The Reddit post has since gone viral, with more than 1,700 people showing up to giggle at the fact that Trojan’s multi-thrill three-headed vibrator looks just like a grown-up version of the faddish children’s toy. Hopefully nobody will choke on this one.
It sure adds another element to the fidget spinner’s “Bop it, twist it, pull it” theme song.
We all know that fidget spinners are meant for children, but we live in a world in which the Internet exists to make everything kind of pervy, so someone must have found a way to use an actual fidget spinner as a sex toy, right? It seems inconceivable that fidget spinners could be so popular for so long without someone finding a way to wedge one into an orifice. But it’s probably best for everybody if we manage to keep them separate. The kids can spin their boring old fidget spinners, and we’ll just keep these little vibrating ones aside for the grown-ups.
(Image: iStockPhoto / nito100)