Disney’s Frozen Concert Ruined by Angry Conductor Telling Kids Santa Doesn’t Exist
(Facebook/Dimensione Eventi)
The conductor of a Disney in Concert show in Italy had one job: Conduct an orchestral rendition of the songs from Disney’s Frozen for an audience of children, and avoid telling all the kids that there’s no Santa. Looks like he failed.
According to The Local Italy, on Thursday parents took their kids to a Frozen concert in Torino, Italy. The event combined an orchestral performance with scenes from the movie, which played on a large screen in the background while costumed performers sang. It was a pretty big event, and tickets were not inexpensive. Afterwards, however, parents took to Facebook in a rage to complain because the conductor genuinely grabbed a microphone at the end of the show and told all the assembled children that Santa doesn’t exist.
According to The Telegraph, conductor Giacomo Loprieno basically threw a tantrum at the end of the show because he felt that the audience of small children was not properly appreciating the orchestra. Some families were reportedly leaving early to avoid the lines. At that point, Loprieno picked up a microphone and said, “Santa Claus doesn’t exist anyway!” before storming off the stage in a fit of pique.
One can understand a professional musician being displeased by people leaving the show early, but when you’re playing a show for small children, one does not expect the conductor to be the least mature person in the building.
Event organizers were horrified, too.
“Like everyone, we were shocked by the declaration made by the director. What he said was totally out of line. It was the arbitrary action of one person,” event organizers Dimensione Eventi said in a statement.
Dimensione Eventi followed up the statement by announcing that Loprieno had been replaced with a new conductor for all future performances. They announced the replacement by posting a photo of the new conductor, Marco Dallara, hugging Santa Claus.
(The new conductor with Santa Claus. Via Dimensione Eventi)
The new conductor seems to be pretty happy about his new job. His predecessor should probably just focus on performing for adults from now on.