Disney Wouldn’t Let a Little Boy Get the Princess Elsa Makeover, and His Mom Is Furious
Disney’s “Princess for a Day” makeovers are extraordinarily popular. Little kids beg and plead to get costumes and pretend to be their favorite Disney princesses. It’s expensive, but a lot of parents agree to the dress-up day as a special treat. That’s why one mother was furious when Disney told her that her son would not be able to do the Princess for a Day makeover just because he’s a boy.
British mom Hayley McLean-Glass says her three-year-old son, Noah, was “buzzing with excitement” to dress up like Elsa from Frozen. Like many three-year-olds, Noah loves Frozen. He has an Elsa costume he wears around the house. He adores it and wears it every day.
Given Noah’s Frozen fanaticism, his mom knew he’d love to do the Elsa makeover. She was planning a trip to Disneyland Paris, so she wrote in advance to make a reservation. But the response she received said only, “At this time it is not possible to book princess for a day for a boy.”
McLean-Glass was furious. He’s just a kid who likes Elsa. What harm is there in letting him sign up?
Little boys can dress like Princess Elsa if they want to
“Please do explain to me what terrible awful fate may befall him if you indulge him in his desire to have his hair done, put on an Elsa dress and wear a bit of blusher for a photo? Because frankly, I am baffled,” she wrote on her blog, Sparkles and Stretchmarks.
Lots of little boys are obsessed with Frozen. Charlize Theron’s son and Megan Fox’s son both love dressing up like Elsa. If little boys want to wear Elsa costumes, they should be allowed to do so.
“I just think that it’s unfair, I mean if there was an activity such as a pirate dress-up or a Spider-Man event, little girls would be allowed to do it. If anyone told a little girl that she couldn’t do that there would be absolute uproar, but I just don’t understand why it’s different for a boy,” she told ITV.
Disney agrees with McLean-Glass and says little boys are absolutely supposed to be allowed to do the Princess for a Day makeover if they want to.
Disney apologized
The company apologized to McLean-Glass and her son. They issued a statement saying it was an isolated incident caused by one employee. According to Disney, it’s not company policy.
“We are taking this situation very seriously and sincerely apologize to Hayley and Noah for the distress caused. An isolated incident, the cast member’s response is not reflective of any policy or belief held here at Disneyland Paris. We are going to ensure this does not happen again. Diversity is near and dear to our hearts and we want to make sure that all our guests enjoy their experience at our resort. Of course, both boys and girls are welcome to enjoy The Princess For a Day experience in addition to all our other special activities.”
There’s no reason a little boy can’t dress up as a princess or Tinkerbell if he wants to. I hope Noah gets to dress up like Elsa and has an absolute blast.
What do you think of Disney’s actions? Let us know in the comments.
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(Image: Facebook / Sparkles and Stretchmarks)