Here’s What You Weren’t Waiting For: Disney Princess Porn
Just yesterday, I wrote about Disney princesses depicted as dudes. Today, they’re depicted as porn stars. Those damn princesses are everywhere. They’re invading our psyches! They’re taking over our eyeballs!
Visual artist Dillon Boy has created a series of artworks entitled Dirtyland, depicting the princesses as sexy, naked women in some kind of alternative pin-up universe. Here’s what Dillon Boy says about the impetus to sex up the fairytale heroines:
I think it has something to do with how we are conditioned as children. Everything is sweet and make-believe in the beginning but then our innocence is soon lost along the way.
These Princesses are already beautiful little cartoons but I just had to take it to the next level. I wanted to transform these celebrated and graceful little ladies into illustrious full blown sex symbols.
I kept it soft for the most part and somewhat tasteful but its naughty in nature no matter how you slice it. But It’s not like they are all wrapped in bondage or anything. Maybe some of you wanted that? Perverts.
Like Julia over at The Gloss, I don’t find these images particularly shocking. But I know that there are plenty of people out there who will, parents or others who will rage and wring their hands because an artist has sexed up beloved children’s characters. I did something similar last week, in fact. But there’s a big difference between the Powerpuff Girls being shown as grown-up sexy women and the Disney princesses depicted as porn stars.
First, there’s the audience. Obviously, Dillon Boy didn’t create these images for children. He created them for adults, unlike the Powerpuff Girl artist. And, the Disney princesses are already sex symbols, no matter how much we would like to believe that they are supposed to be sexless, vanilla cartoon characters. They’re specifically drawn to be beautiful and alluring, attractive and indicative of society’s standards for women. As Julia says,
“Even fully clothed, they still sell the basic idea that women are pretty, dressed up creatures to be looked at, doted upon, and saved, which really isn’t all that different from any woman treated as a sex object.”
The Powerpuff Girls, however, are supposed to represent girl power and independence. They look like little weird bumblebees. I wouldn’t even know they were girls if they weren’t called girls.
But back to the princesses. Dillon Boy says he knows the images are controversial, but that he hasn’t had too many outraged reactions, at least yet. He also says he has quite a few customers that actually work for Disney, so maybe the Magic Kingdom has less mind control over their employees than I thought.
Photos: Dillon Boy