The 5 WTF Moments Of The One Percent Moms Using Handicap Tour Guides At Disney World Story
There’s a lot to be irked about in The New York Post‘s story about “wealthy Manhattan moms” cutting Disney World lines with the hired help of “handicapped tour guides.” While I kept quadruple checking to make sure I wasn’t reading The Onion, I also found myself unable to get past a few particular details. And it wasn’t just the echoing of, “This is how the one percent does Disney.”
The first line undoubtedly says it all, as the Post reports:
They are 1 percenters who are 100 percent despicable.
Some wealthy Manhattan moms have figured out a way to cut the long lines at Disney World ”” by hiring disabled people to pose as family members so they and their kids can jump to the front, The Post has learned.
The ”black-market Disney guides” run $130 an hour, or $1,040 for an eight-hour day.
”My daughter waited one minute to get on ”˜It’s a Small World’ ”” the other kids had to wait 2 1/2 hours,” crowed one mom, who hired a disabled guide through Dream Tours Florida…The woman said she hired a Dream Tours guide to escort her, her husband and their 1-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter through the park in a motorized scooter with a ”handicapped” sign on it. The group was sent straight to an auxiliary entrance at the front of each attraction.
Ok, so let’s go through this piece by piece for a second.