Dick’s Sporting Goods Joins the Gun Control Movement With More Than Thoughts and Prayers
Thoughts and prayers are nice, but action is even better. Dick’s Sporting Goods, one of the largest sports retailers in the country and a major gun retailer, entered the gun control debate in a major way this morning. Rather than wait for inept and bought-and-paid for politicians to do something, they decided to do something themselves. Dick’s announced today that it would be taking some pretty big steps to address the issue of accessibility to guns in their stores. I’ve been a Dick’s customer for a while, and after today, I will be one for life.
In an announcement on their social media platforms, Dick’s Sporting Goods committed to doing their part on gun control and accessibility.

“We at DICK’S Sporting Goods are deeply disturbed and saddened by the tragic events in Parkland. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims and their loved ones. But thoughts and prayers are not enough. We have tremendous respect and admiration for the students organizing and making their voices heard regarding gun violence in schools and elsewhere in our country. We have heard you. The nation has heard you.”
“But thoughts and prayers are not enough.” Once more for the people in the cheap seats! Dick’s send their thoughts and prayers. And they will also stop selling assault-style rifles like the one used in the Parkland shooting. Imagine that! Actions to go along with those thoughts and prayers.
The Parkland shooter purchased a gun from Dick’s in November 2017. The retailer followed all the rules and laws in regards to that purchase, and it wasn’t the gun used in the attack. But, as Dick’s said in their statement, it could have been. And that’s enough of a reason to make some changes in their stores. Effective today, Dick’s pledges to stop selling assault-style rifles in all 35 of their Field & Stream stores (they were already off the shelves in Dick’s stores, following the Sandy Hook shooting).
In addition to removing guns that NO civilian needs, Dick’s pledges to stop selling high capacity magazines, and to only sell firearms to people over the age of 21.
In their statement, the company also implored elected officials to enact effective and COMMON SENSE gun control measures. Dick’s Sporting Goods called for a ban on assault-style rifles and high-capacity magazines and bump stocks. They want to raise the minimum age to buy a firearm to 21 years of age. They also suggested closing the private sale and gun show loophole, and expanding universal background checks on all firearm purchases. Let’s remember that less than a week after Parkland, the Florida House refused to even hear a motion on an assault rifle ban. Dick’s is out here doing their jobs for them.
Will these steps stop the next Parkland or Sandy Hook? By themselves, probably not. But it’s a start. It’s one retailer, a major retailer, putting our safety and kids before their bottom line. One company may not be able to do much. But then another can follow suit. And another. If our elected officials don’t have the balls to do something, then let’s cut them off at the knees.
Money talks, and we’re seeing plenty of big companies finally put their money where their mouth is. Thank you, Dick’s. I suddenly have a pressing need for sports ball and camping stuff.
(Image: Facebook/DICK’S Sporting Goods)