10 Thoughts You Will Have While Staring At This Photo Of Derick And Jill Duggar-Dillard Dressed As Joseph And Mary”
Christmas may be over but as usual, the Duggars are the gift that keeps on giving. As a sacrifice on behalf of you all, I follow them on their social media accounts and see photos of them daily. Usually, I chuckle and move on but last night, a gem came across my feed that I simply had to share. You guys, Jill and Derick posed as Joseph and Mary. As in THE Joseph and Mary. Like, virgin mother and adoptive father of Jesus Henry Christ himself. With any other famous couple, I would pass on by but since I am clearly addicted to snarking on the Duggars and am also The Worst, I could not help myself. Not to mention, the Duggars do seem to think they are holier than thou so seeing this Joseph and Mary cosplay caused me to nearly fall out of bed. I mean, are they kidding? I know most of you will feel the same way so let me save you some time and tell you what you are thinking while you stare at this photo of Derick and Jill Duggar-Dillard posed as the Virgin Mary and Joseph:
(via: Duggar Family Facebook)
1. “Dafuq?”
2. “So…are they saying Baby Dilly is our savior?”
Because that would be rather presumptuous.
3. “Is Jill still a virgin?!”
We all know the tale!
4. “Is this their way of saying Derick is NOT the father?”
Yes, I am going to hell. Will I be seeing any of you there?
5. “Is that a hand towel on Derick’s head?”
And if so, is it off their wedding registry? Inquiring minds!
6. “Is Jill using that sheet during her labor and delivery?”
It just seems right.
7. “Does this mean they will have a donkey present for the birth?”
I see them as going for authenticity.
8. “Did Joseph also own a draw-string hoodie?”
Derick should have tried harder with his Joseph cosplaying.
9. “Are the Duggars trolling us?”
I mean, really. They must know people are going to roll their eyes all the way into the backs of their heads.
10. “Will they continue the J name trend and call Baby Dilly “Jesus”?”
I feel like they are trying to tell us something. We can only hope.
(Feature Image: Jill Duggar-Dillard’s Instagram)