My Son Is Freaking Out About The Presidential Debates – And Bestiality
I love watching the presidential debates with kids. My ten-year-old is very concerned about the upcoming presidential debates and more specifically, why people can have sex with horses and why gay people can’t get married. Last night he explained how he has a Kindle app that tells him random facts and that he found one of these facts terribly upsetting.
“MOM! Why is it that in 23 states people can have sex with horses and in only ten states gay people can get married? Great job America!”
Being the wonderful mother that I am, I corrected him that only 6 states allow gay marriage. Which upset him even more. I was raised by a mother who taught me from a very early age that being gay isn’t a choice. Because of this I have raised my children the same way. It’s just what my family believes. Due to this, my son thinks it’s absurd that people can’t get married due to the fact they want to marry someone of the same sex. Because he is ten-years-old, my son is also freaked out and appalled that anyone would want to have sex with a horse. This is the mind of a ten-year-old boy. All though I’m happy he is starting to express his political beliefs, I’m not thrilled his kid friendly fact app is spewing factoids about bestiality, but that is a whole other can of worms.
The presidential debates are a perfect opportunity for parents to encourage their kids to form opinions and question everything and learn about the government. We watch the debates as a family, including preparing fun snacks and pausing the television to talk to our kids about what points the candidates are making.
The Washington Post has some fun ways you can explain the debates to your children:
Think of it as being like when you and your mother disagree about eating your peas. Each of you tries to make an argument that supports your position and persuades the other person to see it your way. But the candidates won’t be discussing vegetables. Instead, they will be asked about a lot of important issues, including the environment (science), the economy (math) and world governments (social studies). And all of this will happen on live television!
No matter what side you are on, no matter what your opinions are on gay marriage, I think we can all agree that we want our kids to better understand how government works and how the candidates have differing viewpoints on many subjects. It’s important for me as a mother to raise politically aware children, even if they have different opinions than I do. I want my kids to feel like they can disagree with me on my political beliefs, and that they can always form their own viewpoints and debate me on topics they feel passionate about. In my house, arguing and discussing politics is something we like to do. It’s happy family fun time.
Are you planning on watching the debates with your own children? How are you teaching them about politics? Are you a family of Obama supporters who are living with your own little Alex P. Keaton? I’m happy my ten-year-old wants to talk about the politics behind gay marriage. I just hope he doesn’t ask me any more questions about people who have sex with horses. I have a very difficult time wanting to discuss that topic. I think I will leave that one up to his father.
(Photo: Pete Panham/Shutterstock)