Protecting Our Sons From ‘Aggressive’ Girls Is The Most Anti-Feminist Parenting Crap Ever

Dana Gresh Wants Us To Protect Our Sons From Aggressive GirlsWhen I think of the girls I want my sons to date or form relationships with, I want them to be with the girl who walks into my kitchen and sits down at my table and who can throw down with me about her opinions. Even if they differ from my own. I want a girl who isn’t scared to tell my son if he is being an asshole, and as a mother to teen boys, as much as I love them and as amazingly wonderful as they are, they, at times, can be assholes. I want them to date girls who are confident, and self-aware, and have strong voices and thoughts and who are ambitious in their plans for their futures. In short, I want them to date girls who are aggressive. I don’t care how these girls dress or if they have hair that is Manic Panic’d to the sky or if they come into my home wearing a skirt that barely covers their lady-gardens, if they are kind and caring and smart and decent people – and if they have a voice and aren’t afraid to use it.

But according to author and modesty-pusher and motivational speak and “Christian Mom” Dana Gresh, it’s these “aggressive girls” we need to worry about.

With feminist messages and the likes of Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry infiltrating the media waves, our culture tells tween girls to go after whatever makes them happy””unfortunately, they often go after our sons! What’s a mom to do about aggressive girls?


[youtube_iframe id=”6ARNGVwFbFc”]

Now, I’m not as familiar with the bible as our pal Dana here is, but to paraphrase she thinks that boys should date and marry girls like the ones in Proverbs 31, with the wool and flax who don’t eat the bread of idleness, but who hang around doing nothing but taking care of their families and planting vineyards and fearing the Lord. The hot slut in Proverbs Seven has a perfumed bed, dresses like a hooker, and leads a dude like an ox to slaughter. She suggests that we moms become really aggressive in telling our sons not to go after aggressive girls.

I don’t believe in warning my sons about “wayward women.” I warn them about being decent people and treating women with respect and how not to act like assholes. I warn them about hanging around assholes who are bullies or creeps or who get trashed and drive or who take drugs and how they don’t want to be having sex with girls until they are ready to be parents.

I like aggressive women. I am an aggressive woman. And I hope my sons grow up to marry someone or date someone a lot like me. Because I can plant a damn vineyard, and I can also drink from it too. And no amount of biblical slut-shaming is going to make me feel otherwise.

(Image: You Tube)

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