Dad ‘Kidnapped’ His Own Kids After Finding Babysitter Asleep on the Job
Finding good, reliable childcare is a struggle every parent faces. The stress of leaving your kids in the care of someone you don’t know very well is overwhelming! We’ve all been there. Unless it’s a trusted family member or friend, chances are, you’re relying on a virtual stranger for the first few weeks. One dad found that out the hard way, when he discovered the sitter was LITERALLY asleep on the job. Rather than confront the sitter right away, he devised a plan. He “kidnapped” his own kids, to teach the sleepy sitter a lesson.
The dad, Christopher, thought he’d found a reliable sitter. He and his wife interviewed Sarah, 35, and felt she was capable of keeping their kids safe. Instead, he returned home unexpectedly one morning to find her asleep on the couch.

He was understandably furious. It was 10 a.m.! While the sitter snoozed, his children roamed the house unsupervised.
Chris took his kids, and left Sarah sleeping on the couch. And then, he waited for her to wake up and discover they were gone.
This dad “kidnapped” his own kids from an unsafe situation.
Can you imagine the “OH SHIT” moment Sarah had when she woke up to find the kids gone? Shockingly, what she did next was even MORE ridiculous. Rather than call the police, she started blowing up dad’s phone.

Chris played along like he had no idea what was going on.
At this point, Sarah is probably starting to seriously crap her pants. I mean, how do you even tell a parent you can’t find their kids?

“It’s not a texting matter”. Uh, no shit, Sarah! She finally cops to not knowing where the kids are, and Chris is still playing along with the whole situation.

After asking her if she’s called the police, Chris finally tells her what’s going on.

You know that feeling? The one where your stomach turns to ice and feels like it’s going to fall out of your body? Well, if Sarah didn’t know it before, she sure as hell does now! Chris fired the tired tot-minder, and then tried to file a police report for child neglect. However, the police declined to move forward with it. He posted the text exchange on Facebook out of frustration, and to warn other local parents that Sarah was NOT someone they should hire. In a strange twist in an already strange case, he’s since removed all of the posts from social media. The sitter allegedly threatened to file harassment charges against the angry dad.
People are divided over whether or not Chris took this too far. Personally, I would’ve snatched her tired butt up off my couch so fast, she would’ve thought she was sleepwalking. We rely on nannies and sitters, it’s their literal job to watch children, and she is clearly REALLY bad at it. It’s so hard to find good childcare, and the horror stories we read about make it even harder. I’m glad Chris came home when he did, and that the kids weren’t harmed while left alone.
What do you think? Did this dad go too far? Or just far enough?
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(Image: Facebook)