Dad Catches His Son Drinking And Almost Kills Him With Idiotic Punishment
According to, witnesses told police that on Saturday night the father started a drinking game while watching Tennessee football with his son. He is said to have told his son, “If you’re going to drink, I’m going to make you drink and learn you a lesson.” The witnesses left the house, and when they came back some time later they found the boy passed out on the kitchen floor. They decided that this would be a super good time to take the kid to a hospital, but when they tried to take the boy from the house his father fought them. Yes, he fought them. From taking his unconscious teenager to a hospital.
After finally getting the boy out of the house, they put him in the backseat of a car and called the cops. When police arrived, the boy had no pulse. The cops gave him CPR until Lifestar arrived and flew him to Children’s Hospital in Knoxville, where he was put on a ventilator. He was later released and said to be doing well.
At the time, the father was understandably concerned. About his son? No. About the fact that the other people at the house called the police. When police arrived he was drunk, swearing, and screaming at the witnesses and had to be restrained when he tried to attack them. Because this man has his priorities.
Father of the year Mark Allen Hughes has been charged with aggravated child abuse, child endangerment, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Sweetwater police chief Eddie Byrum says they are not dicking around with this case:
“We’re going to prosecute it to the fullest…We’d like to use this as an example where if anybody else is out there and thinks this is how they’re going to govern their children or direct them, we will put a stop to it.”
This brings up some interesting questions in relation to the Adrian Peterson case. When do we think it’s okay to get involved in someone else’s parenting and when do we think it’s up to them as a parent? Does the child have to be comatose and near death before it’s appropriate to intervene? Are blood and scars not enough?
At any rate, it’s a reminder to all the old-school parents out there who think their kid will never drink again if they get them good and drunk, that this method of punishment is risky and wrong. This doesn’t teach kids not to drink; this teaches them that they have petty parents with no idea how to teach lessons except by hitting back.
(Photo: Twitter)