Adorable Video Shows Jealous Goldendoodle Dog Trying To Take Attention Away From Newborn Baby
We all know the way that older siblings can react when there’s a newborn baby in the house… and it turns out the same goes for our dogs, too! A new viral video that premiered on Good Morning America shows a Goldendoodle named Nico fighting with five-month-old Leighton for attention from his dog-mom! Every time the new mom goes to snuggle her baby, Nico puts his paw up to get some more love! It’s a juggling act! Just watch below:
In a follow-up message to GMA host Ginger Zee, Lynnie Puleo said that Nico has been a great big brother. But we can tell in the viral video that little Nico is feeling the pressure of having a new cutie in the house! It makes sense. We bring dogs in as our family; we can’t be all too surprised when they get jealous they’re not getting as much attention as they’re used to!
What To Expect explains, “It’s not unusual for a calm, cuddly canine to act a bit beastly when a two-legged sibling takes over his turf.” If you’re experiencing this and need some pointers, the website gives great advice for dog-moms who just became first-time human-moms!
The dog-versus-newborn situation is totally normal. You can tell from how many people tweet about it…
My dog is so depressed right now but loves our newborn. He’s up and down which we never expected since he’s basically our first child. Never would get rid of him, just hopeful he is on the up and up soon. He’s a jealous man!
— asmd (@ashleyfnmorgan) July 29, 2018
Bear is insanely jealous of his new baby brother. Tonight I witnessed my dog walk over to my FINALLY sleeping newborn and bark at him to wake him up. 🤦🼔♀ï¸ðŸ¤¯ðŸ¤¬
— Julianne (@jules_wal) October 3, 2019
It's kinda cute when your dog is so jealous of my newborn son that he needs to lay beside me when the baby is asleep
— Miranda Kesstler (@MirandaKesstler) January 10, 2015