Adorable Video Shows Jealous Goldendoodle Dog Trying To Take Attention Away From Newborn Baby

Viral Video Shows New Mom Juggling Jealous Dog and five-month old newborn baby
Facebook / Lynnie Puleo

We all know the way that older siblings can react when there’s a newborn baby in the house… and it turns out the same goes for our dogs, too! A new viral video that premiered on Good Morning America shows a Goldendoodle named Nico fighting with five-month-old Leighton for attention from his dog-mom! Every time the new mom goes to snuggle her baby, Nico puts his paw up to get some more love! It’s a juggling act! Just watch below:

In a follow-up message to GMA host Ginger Zee, Lynnie Puleo said that Nico has been a great big brother. But we can tell in the viral video that little Nico is feeling the pressure of having a new cutie in the house! It makes sense. We bring dogs in as our family; we can’t be all too surprised when they get jealous they’re not getting as much attention as they’re used to!

What To Expect explains, “It’s not unusual for a calm, cuddly canine to act a bit beastly when a two-legged sibling takes over his turf.” If you’re experiencing this and need some pointers, the website gives great advice for dog-moms who just became first-time human-moms!

The dog-versus-newborn situation is totally normal. You can tell from how many people tweet about it…

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