The Fact That You Spend More On Mother’s Day Than Father’s Day Proves Moms Work Way Harder
I know what you’re thinking, male friends – What an asshole she is for saying that! Agreed. I am a total asshole for saying that moms work harder at this whole parenting thing, but I promise you your partner is probably thinking the same thing. Now we sort of have proof that we do more; the reward. Moms get a way bigger return on Mother’s Day than dads do on Father’s Day. That’s saying something – isn’t it?
More people buy Mother’s Day gifts than Father’s Day gifts (86%, compared to 77%). According to the 2014 Father’s Day Shopper Trend report from RetailMeNot, survey respondents say they spend $61 on Father’s Day gifts and $68 on Mother’s Day gifts.
That’s just one survey. Another said the difference in expenditure is even greater:
According to a study by the National Retail Federation, consumers are slated to spend a total $12.5billion on Father’s Day, which falls on June 15 this year, compared to the estimated $19.9billion they were projected to spend on Mother’s Day, which was celebrated on May 11.
Breaking it down by individual, the average shopper will spend $113.80 on their dads a sizable $50 less than the $162.94 they expected to spend on their mothers.
Why do we spend so much more on our moms? Guilt. We know we make their existences harder and pretty much spend our lives parasitically funneling energy and money out of their beings into our own. We do it to both our parents – but mom? We do it to her a little harder.
Look, these aren’t facts I’m spewing, it’s just a hypothesis. It’s based on the very scientific study of every mom I know who has at one time or another complained about her parental/household role. Hmm. Maybe we just complain louder? This is throwing my whole hypothesis off. But seven billion dollars is a lot less money! So I’m sticking with it – moms work harder.
We win! Wait…
(photo: Dasha Petrenko/ Shutterstock)