Claire Foy Responds to Adam Sandler Touching Her Leg During Talk Show

Claire Foy was on The Graham Norton Show last week with Emma Thompson, Adam Sandler, and Cara Delevigne. It was pretty much a standard talk show appearance, except that Adam Sandler reached over twice during an anecdote and put his hand on Claire Foy’s knee.

Some viewers took to Twitter to complain about Sandler’s knee-grabbing. Several thought Foy looked uncomfortable. Foy looked like she attempted to pat his hand away, but he’d moved it himself and didn’t notice. Then he put his hand right back on her knee again, and she looked a little surprised by that. Emma Thompson was looking directly at Sandler’s hand, and she did not look particularly surprised or impressed.

But now the Intenret is deeply divided over Adam Sandler-gate and whether Adam Sandler was being inappropriate and entitled, or whether feminism is running amok and society is about to fall to a “misandrist witch hunt.”

Adam Sandler touching Claire Foy’s knee has really brought out the fury on both sides of the issue. On the one hand, several are saying it’s creepy and entitled to put one’s hands on a woman’s knee. A woman’s body is not a prop to use while telling a joke or anecdote.

On the other hand, a lot of people are suddenly worried that if a man can’t touch a woman’s knee to illustrate a story, then men will never be able to touch women again for any reason, and the human race will die out.

For her part, Foy responded to the furor by issuing a statement saying she was not offended.

“We don’t believe anything was intended by Adam’s gesture and it has caused no offense to Claire,” one of Foy’s representatives told Mail Online.

Sandler’s representatives issued a statement saying that it was just intended as a “friendly gesture.”

What do you think, was this appropriate or creepy? Let us know in the comments.

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(Image: Graham Norton Show)

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