TGI Friday Open Thread: What Do You Really Want For Christmas?
Parents are usually so busy worrying about the perfect gifts to buy people and when it comes time for mom or dad to open up their gift a lot of the time they get something dumb they don’t even want. Okay, that isn’t ALWAYS the case but I have heard some horror stories about people who have ended up getting a blender or a scale for Christmas when it wasn’t even on their list. So this open thread is dedicated to the WORST gift you have ever received plus the one gift you want more than anything. No, I don’t want to hear any sob stories about how you don’t want anything for YOU and that all you wants is everyone happy and healthy – don’t give me that martyr BS! Haha. I wanna hear all about what you would really like.
My list is always the same every year. I like new pajamas, I like salted caramels, and I LOVE getting a super cool or weird Christmas ornament. I love new makeup or perfume and cookbooks and unusual jewelry and scarves. I also love interesting serving pieces. Woohoo. Wow that all sounds boring.
I asked some of the Mommyish staff what they wanted and here’s what they had to say:
Bethany wants: a massage, but my husband says that I want a new mom car with lots of room, i.e. minivan. I would rather die than drive a minivan.
Carrie wants: money to move. rugs for when i move. curtains for when i move. And a really good nice purse.
Julia wants: A sexy backpack. A leather one.
Maria wants: a trip to NYC. Kid-free.
Meghan wants sleep.
WHICH IS THE WORST ANSWER EVER. But I guess considering she has a new baby it makes sense.
So tell us what you want for Christmas and the worst give you ever received!
Also, I need to know what you guys have been up to and if you are drunk and what you are having for dinner and if you have put up your tree yet. You know, the important stuff.
(Image: getty)