Christina El Moussa Visited by Child Services After Toddler Falls in Pool
Christina El Moussa, star of HGTV’s Flip or Flop with her soon-to-be-ex husband Tarek El Moussa, had a pretty scary day on Monday, when she reportedly spoke to child services after her one-year-old, Brayden, fell into the pool at her house.
Brayden is fine now, and TMZ reports that he was at home with his nanny when he somehow fell into the pool. The nanny grabbed him out quickly and he was never unconscious, and she told Brayden’s mother about it as soon as El Moussa got back home. Brayden seemed fine, but just to be completely sure, El Moussa did the completely appropriate thing and took him to the hospital to make sure he was completely OK and there wasn’t any water in his lungs or any other potential problems.
Doctors at the hospital said Brayden was OK, but Child Services was notified about the incident.
Alerting CPS is apparently standard protocol for anything involving small children and water, just to make sure there’s no negligence or carelessness involved. Toddlers and pools can be a dangerous situation, so El Moussa and Brayden’s nanny were interviewed about who was watching him, where they were, and how the accident happened.
Child Services reportedly was satisfied with the interviews and decided that everything was fine and no further action would be necessary. It was just a scary accident, and all the adults involved seem to have reacted to it appropriately. It was pretty scary, but it sounds like Brayden’s nanny was right there when he tumbled in, and fortunately everything turned out just fine.
PEOPLE says Brayden’s doing great and is happy and laughing as usual and is totally unharmed. In the end, his falling into the pool seems to have scared all the adults more than it did him. And TMZ is reporting that the nanny is still employed with the El Moussas.
El Moussa reportedly told Tarek about the pool incident as soon as it happened. The couple is divorcing, but they say they’re splitting custody evenly, and they plan to continue doing their TV show together just like they did when they were married.
(Image: Instagram / ChristinaElMoussa )