Christina Applegate’s New Series On Motherhood ‘Up All Night’ Speaks To ‘Later In Life’ Parents
Christina Applegate will be starring in a new series about the onset of motherhood and parenting entitled Up All Night. Christina plays a new mother along side husband Will Arnett who struggles with going back to work after the birth of her daughter and maintaining her marriage, new addition, and workload. Maya Rudolph is also co-starring as Christina’s boss at a daytime talk show à la Oprah. At a recent panel discussion with her fellow actors, Christina said that the series depicts a couple who has optioned to parent at an older age.
“I gave birth to my daughter at 39 years old, so I had many years of being completely self-obsessed and self-absorbed and doing what I wanted to do. There’s a generation of people 39-40 who still say ‘dude’ a lot. I don’t know if we’ve grown up entirely. I still feel like I’m in my early 20s. That’s what these characters are ”” these sort of ‘later in life’ parents.”
The preview, which originally depicts Christina and Maya working in a public relations firm, appears quite humorous as audiences watch the new parents grapple with swearing, diaper changing, and how to properly use a simple tub of baby wipes. Both in awe of their new daughter and wary of her every cry, the couple navigates through sleeplessness, completely opposite schedules, and staying friends with their childless peers.
The comedic timing in the preview alludes to Lorne Michaels, producer of 30 Rock, echoing a bit of the show’s signature humor. The first episode is scheduled to air September 14th at 10/9c.
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