27 Times Chrissy Teigen Won At Parenting
Chrissy Teigen may have started her career as a model, but nowadays she’s so much more. She’s the mother to Luna and Miles, the first lady of Twitter, and has a hit show in Bring the Funny. Mrs. John Legend hosted Lip Sync Battle, where we all got the privilege of experiencing her many hilarious facial expressions. She’s also authored a best selling cookbook and appeared on several talk shows like The Today Show and Good Morning America. Chrissy is, if nothing else, honest and authentic.
This has lead her to speak out on topics that don’t necessarily fit into her funny-girl wheelhouse. Chrissy was upfront about her struggles trying to conceive her children, her battle with postpartum depression afterward, and the initial ups and downs in her and John’s relationship. She’s spoken out about her distaste for Donald Trump and Mike Pence, once even admitting that she donates to Planned Parenthood in the notoriously rigid Pence’s name. We love her. The best thing about Chrissy is she says it how it is, including how insanely challenging and rewarding motherhood can be. Here you’ll see the 27 times Chrissy Teigen won at parenting and the internet. Let us know your favorite Chrissy moment in the comments below.
When she admitted this-
The titled ‘Queen of Twitter’ gave us this gem during a Vogue interview. She went on to explain, ”I’ll read a thousand of the sweetest comments”””˜You have the cutest family, I love your book’””and then one person is like, ”˜You look like the Bride of Chucky’ and I’ll be like, ”˜Oh my God, @paulh7114620 thinks I look like Chucky.’” Admit it, mamas, we feel Chrissy here. We can know we’re trying our damn best and hear how we’re killing it left, right, and center. Then, one troll can come along and suggest how we could do things better, and we’re suddenly beatings ourselves up about our choices. It’s refreshing to hear Chrissy, a mom who has it all, say that she feels the same. Solidarity is good for mamas.
He didn’t either!
In 2018, a follower questioned why Teigen didn’t take John’s last name when the two married. Her response was perfect. She tweeted, “My husband didn’t even take his last name?” That’s right. Did the questioner really think John’s last name was Legend? She’d then be Chrissy Legend (which, let’s admit, would be fitting for her). However, John’s real name is John Roger Stephens. That’s why Luna has the Stephens last name. As a fellow mama who chose a different path for her last name (I hyphenated mine with my husband’s), I can understand Chrissy’s reasoning. Anyway, aren’t last name choices personal?
In it for the pizza
In 2015, while pregnant with Luna, Chrissy tweeted that, “I have come to realize that at some point in the day, I will order and consume a pizza so it might as well be in the morning.” What pregnant lady hasn’t been there? If there’s any time to give in to cravings, pregnancy feels like it. After all, everything else sucks. You can’t drink. You can’t stay awake late enough to go out. Vacations morph into torture exercises that involve walking and watching other people have fun. Thank goodness Chrissy never had gestational diabetes. That may have curbed the pizza habit.
But where’s the baby?
After having Luna, Chrissy and John (weeks later) went to a bar in Hollywood. After seeing she was out and about sans baby, people began snarkily asking where the baby was and how she was doing without her parents. Chrissy’s response was golden. She tweeted, “I dunno I can’t find her.” Dudes. Seriously. Not only is it perfectly acceptable for moms to continue to be humans after giving birth, but Chrissy’s mother lives with them. It’s not like they put the baby in a crib and were like, “We’re out! Peace! Take care of yourself for a few hours, mmmkay?” Again, not like it’s any of our business.
All of this
Are you like us? You see moms posting pictures of themselves on social media, perfectly made up in their homes, and think, “Girl, we know that’s a filter. Way to keep trying, though!” Well, Chrissy joined the club after Luna’s birth. The picture above is her way of saying that she hadn’t been hitting the town as frequently as she was accused of. Or, if she was, she was doing it without the beauty team’s efforts. You know what? That’s okay. She’d just pushed another human out of her body. If she was managing to go out without visible baby spit up on her shirt, that’s a win.
When she almost adopted this grown man
In January of 2017, Chrissy got a pretty unique offer. A man on Twitter wrote, “I want Chrissy Teigen and John Legend to adopt me. And I know I’m in my thirties, but Trump is president, so nothing makes sense anyway.” Chrissy, in her usual unexpectedness, tweeted the man back. She said, “Come, my son.” Chrissy’s been a vocal critic of Trump’s. Her husband has been pretty liberal, too. He recently came out and stood against R. Kelly for his abuses of underage women. Way to lead the way and keep the humor, guys.
Pet surprise
In March of this year, Chrissy decided it was time for Luna to have a new pet. She explained on Twitter, “Luna and I bought a hamster today. Her name is peanut butter. John is not thrilled, which makes me love her more.” How many of the pet obsessed can relate to Chrissy here? And, c’mon John, how can you not like a cute wittle hamster? Unfortunately, those guys don’t live very long. If that’s his hangup, we kind of get it. No one wants to teach their kids that lesson.
Just this
Chrissy posted this after Luna’s birth. After her son’s, she gave us a picture of herself wearing mesh hospital panties while holding her bundle of joy. This is why the world needs Chrissy. So many moms don’t know what to expect from their own bodies after delivering a baby. The world puts young, marital pregnancy on a pedestal but willfully ignores the various changes a woman’s body experiences after pregnancy turns into postpartum. Chrissy didn’t shy away from admitting her own ignorance. Technically, those giant hospital pads and ice packs aren’t diapers per se. They sure do feel like them, though.
Speaking this language
Okay, we all know that kids don’t form their letter sounds like adults. Part of that is developmental. Part of it is hilarious, especially when we’re with our kids every day and become indoctrinated to their speech. Then, when strangers are trying to piece together their words, we’re thinking, “Why can’t they understand?! It’s so clear! Chrissy tweeted this sentiment when she said, “only I can understand my kid. she’s like “BDIDKD….” and I’m like “ok I will get you a piece of sausage in just a minute.”
Girl, us too
She said, “when luna is awake, I want her to sleep, and when she is asleep, I want her awake. this is my parenting life.” All parents have felt this way, probably more than once. This is particularly so when kids are newborns. Their sleep schedules tend to be exactly opposite an adult’s. This mama said it perfectly on preciouslittlesleep.com- “For a year and a half I would fantasize about leaving my baby home with my husband so I could go to a hotel and sleep blissfully uninterrupted for AS. LONG. AS. I. WANTED. Newborn sleep bounces around like an angry snake. You’ll have hideous nights. Wonderful nights. And you’ll never know what you’re going to get. Don’t worry about it. It won’t be like this forever.”
Uh, what an outline
We’re a little curious, how did that outline get there? This seems like a logistical nightmare. Are spray tans dangerous for babies, or was she just concerned about dyeing the horn looking part orange? Either way, it seems she took care of it since both of her kids are healthy and happy. Her skin always looks amazing too, so wins all around. She did detail for her followers some of her skincare routines. Mostly, it was using Biore blackhead strips and then gaping at the gunk they pull off.
This Exchange
After saying that her lady bits were still hurting after labor, this exchange happened on twitter. While some celebrities seem untouchable and would never respond to a fan mentioning something so personal, Chrissy is not your average celeb. She engaged with her follower, and clearly, she wasn’t looking forward to another part of the postpartum journey. Luckily, being open about it all means that there are other moms with her for every step of the way. She can be supported and grossed out in unison with the rest of the mom tribe.
When she got this real
In the magazine Good Housekeeping, Chrissy talked about why she lets people into her personal life. She said, “That’s why, my posts of real mom shit, and wearing the diaper, and having that mesh thing, and real postpartum business? I think as important as it is for people to see me do that, it’s also really important for me.” The truth is, women spent too many decades, centuries even, not being open about the struggles of motherhood. No one should believe it’s perfect. Instead, we include and lift up others when our mantra is, “It’s so hard, but it’s worth it.”
When Chrissy doubled up
Breastfeeding is natural. Say it again for the folks in the back. Breastfeeding isn’t something that’s immodest. Babies get hungry, need to eat, and rely on their mamas to provide them with food, just as mama’s body did in pregnancy. While we’re on the “fed is best” team, meaning formula feeding is perfectly fine, breastfeeding anywhere anytime is also fine. Chrissy showed us how normalized it is in her household with this picture. Luna’s doll got hungry too and needed some of that liquid gold.
Even supermodels struggle
Chrissy opened up to The Cut about John and her setbacks when trying to get pregnant. The couple used fertility treatments but weren’t successful right off the bat (like the majority of couples who use medical assistance to conceive). She said, “The first round I did of IVF when it didn’t work, I remember thinking, ”˜Oh, I was on my feet too much, and that’s why.’ You just look for anything to blame, especially yourself…I think hearing stories is just really important. You realize there’s no right way to do it or right way to react.” Chrissy’s been leading the way when it comes to an open conversation about fertility struggles along with other celebrities like Michelle Obama, Kim Kardashian, and Emma Thompson.
Depression is on the table, too
Chrissy did something incredibly brave. She went on The Today Show and talked about her postpartum depression. Chrissy said she didn’t realize something was wrong. Instead, she thought that her feelings of being unable to cope with her new reality was a motherhood norm. She said, “Until people around me starting telling me they saw distinct changes in my personality that was really helpful to me.” Her mother and John, whom she shares a home with, remained supportive throughout her journey to get healthy again.
Dieting and how much it sucks
Chrissy doesn’t model swimsuits anymore. She’s morphed into a cookbook author, show host, and Twitter kween instead. However, she does still spend a lot of time in front of the cameras. To do so, she admits that she does diet on occasion. She’s also posted proof of John’s dieting habits as well. Yet, she doesn’t pretend like she enjoys it. Instead, she gives us glimpses into how much she thinks about food and how she keeps herself on track with the diet’s limitations. We hope those boat noodles were amazing, Chrissy. You earned them.
Her stretchmarks are Insta famous, too
Chrissy once posted a picture of her mom legs. They were covered in random bruises and, the way she was sitting, showed her pregnancy gifted stretchmarks. She said about the photo, “I was actually just taking a picture of the bruises and then I saw the stretch marks in there. I have those apps, the Facetune, and Photoshopping ones, and I just didn’t feel like doing it anymore””and I’m never doing it again because I think we forgot what normal people look like now.” We can only hope we’ll accept our own bodies so fully one day.
And about that hamster
Chrissy has kept fans updated about her daughter’s hamster, Peanut Butter. Apparently, the thing “hauls ass” in its exercise wheel, and Chrissy’s taken some heat for not knowing a lot about hamster behavior. Her response? “Well, newsflash, I had two whole babies I didn’t research either.” There, that settles it. Chrissy went on to specify that she actually did more research into hamsters than she did before the birth of either of her kids. Doesn’t really matter, as far as we’re concerned. No book can actually prepare you for labor and delivery or parenthood. We’re all flying by the seats of our pants.
That time she inspired John to say this
Honestly, we can’t get enough of how much Chrissy and John love each other. Yes, they may troll one another mercilessly, but at the end of the day, they seem perfectly matched. John said about the mother of his children, “People love her honesty. Her humor. Her beauty and style. Her passion for food. Her sense of adventure and fun. And they love her big, beautiful heart, I mean, she’s the kind of woman you write songs about.” In fact, he did. All of Me, his chart-topper, was written about Chrissy.
Her love for her children
Chrissy explained Luna this way, “Luna is somehow exactly me, exactly John, and exactly herself. I adore her.” Parents all around the world know this feeling. It’s seeing yourself in your child, in the habits you didn’t even realize you were teaching her. It’s also seeing your spouse, a person you deeply love, in your child. It might be something little- the way she wrinkles her nose when she laughs, a certain expression or turn of phrase. Yet, all that mixed together makes a completely unique person. Knowing how hard Chrissy and John had to work to achieve their family, we’re glad she takes the time to enjoy the miracle and chaos of parenting.
Someone congratulated Chrissy on “peaking.” They were trolling her, saying that she hasn’t accomplished anything on her own. Her reply is goddess level sass, “I have a best selling book, great boobs, a family I love, am literally eating pasta on a lake in Italy and I married rich.” That’s right. Take that. I’m not sure why anyone would try to come for Chrissy on social media. That’s her bag. She’s better at it than all of us, and everything she said was true. We’re a bit curious, in comparison, what did the troll do with his life?
The stupid produce
Do you know what’s weird? Comparing unborn fetus sizes to foodstuff. Chrissy pointed this out when she said, “The most annoying part of pregnancy is the fruit and veg shit: “Your baby is six inches. A pineapple!” What the fuck grocery store we at?” Unfortunately, we all know what she’s talking about. If we weren’t getting those updates ourselves, we know friends who’ve inundated their social media with this kind of posts. It’s probably enough to say that they’re six months pregnant. The general public could live without knowing whether the ensconced baby is pickle or plum-sized.
Agreed, this was weird
Chrissy posted her opinion on cheesing babies. She said, “I love a prank as much as anybody, but I cannot get myself to throw cheese at my adorable, unsuspecting baby that has all the hope and trust in the world in me.” We couldn’t get behind that viral trend either. It was as stupid as tide pods, maybe more so. After all, the tide pod challenge was only hurting someone dumb enough to do it. The baby cheesing was pulled on little ones who had no say in the matter. Why this was amusing to adults still baffles us.
She got punked
Luna, it seems, is full of personality. One instance that made us laugh was this- “She’s also very into pretending I hurt her arm and people look at me in the grocery store. Honestly you’ve been alive like 900 days how are you like this.” She probably didn’t think it was funny at the time. Yet, when she told John this story later I bet he cracked a smile. How could you not? Children, they learn very early on what pushes their parents buttons. Apparently, Luna found her moms in the grocery store.
Responding to “news”
Daily Mail Celebrity tweeted out a link to their article entitled “John Legend and Chrissy Teigen Spend Quality Time with Miles and Luna.” Chrissy had something to say about this. It went, “As parents, John and I feel an immense parental responsibility to be parents to our children, whom we are the parents of.” Really, parents hanging out with their kids shouldn’t be news. Unfortunately, this may have just been an excuse for paparazzi photos to get traffic to a site. We’re glad Chrissy called them out.
Chrissy at the PTA
It’s good to know that even celebrities have to deal with PTA/school responsibilities. Chrissy had a full-on Bad Moms experience. She said, “Hello, everyone from Luna’s school orientation today. i’m sorry I projectile puked caffeine upon arrival, couldn’t open my eyes and had the noisiest newborn in the room. (not a joke, very sorry, see you tomorrow).” We’ve all been there, Chrissy. If these are decent colleagues, they’ll just laugh it off. Those newborn days are HARD. You know what? Starting a new school with a kiddo is hard, too. Cut yourself some slack. You could always have John drop her off, but you’ll still have to face the other parents again sometime.