Mom Of 6 Boys Finally Having A Girl, And She Better Love Pink Or Else
It’s normal for parents to be excited to find out the sex of their baby, but one mom took that excitement to infinity and beyond recently when she straight up collapsed after finding out she’s having a little girl. Cher Lair, a mom of six boys from North Carolina, shared a video on YouTube of her cutting the cake at her sex reveal party. As she lifts the slice, you can see it’s pink and that’s when all hell breaks loose. Cher begins screaming, “Are you kidding me?” over and over and then collapses onto the person behind her.
“We’re a boy house for sure. I want to have that mommy-daughter thing, to take her to Cinderella, for pedicures and manicures, and shop for a prom dress. I’ve wanted that.”
One of her sons then chimed in, expressing that he’s excited to have a sister because he’s “tired of dirt piles.” The news station capped off their report by telling us that we’ll “likely meet the little princess in August.”
Whenever someone talks about a gender reveal, people are quick to correct and explain that what they’re actually revealing is the baby’s sex, but in cases like this it seems it really is a gender reveal. Everyone who talks about this baby can’t stop shoving it into a princess mold and vomiting gender stereotypes all over the floor. They’re going to force a gender on that baby as hard as they can, whether the baby likes it or not.
If Lair’s sons are growing up with the impression that girls love manicures and Cinderella and don’t make dirt piles, that’s kind of disturbing. It’s also disturbing that the media is reinforcing this gender bullshit in their reporting. The little princess? Dad better watch out for his credit card? Really?
Being excited about a new baby is normal. It’s even normal to be excited to find out about the sex. What’s not normal — or shouldn’t be normal — is deciding who your child is going to be and how you’re going to experience them based on whether they have a penis or a vagina. I hope the Lair baby likes pink because clearly she isn’t getting a say.
(Photo: Shutterstock)