The Beautiful ‘Cheerios’ Family Returns In Superbowl Ad And It May Be The Cutest Commercial Of The Game
The new commercial features little Gracie using some of her negotiation skills as her dad tells her she will soon have a baby brother.
[youtube_iframe id=”LKuQrKeGe6g”]
It’s adorable, Gracie is adorable, the mom’s expression is adorable, and this time Cheerios has disabled you tube comments so all of us who feel this is adorable don’t have to read comments by Racist McRacisty spewing nasty nonsense about a family.
To show support of families little these, the Cheerios website features the parents behind We Are The 15 Percent, which was inspired by the Cheerios ad and features portraits of interracial families and marriages. For those of you who enjoy getting all weepy and swooning over adorable images, it’s a treasure-trove of the feelings:
In real life, little Grace is the daughter of interracial parents, like hundreds of thousands of kids the world over. The new ad is entitled “Gracie” and the header is just the word “Love.” I think that’s pretty accurate.
(Images: You Tube & We Are The 15 Percent)