Check Out This Crazy Video Of A Mom And Daughter Getting Hit By A Car
[foxnews id=”951246466001&w=466&h=263″]While I grew up in rural areas, I’ve lived in cities the entire time I’ve been a mother. This means lots of navigation of intersections. I generally let my children run free and my only rule is that they must hold my hands in parking lots and crosswalks. They’re really good about watching for driveways and alleys, too.
But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t worry a bit each time we cross Pennsylvania Avenue or the busy intersection by the Metro stop. Some of these roads are just so wide and it can be very difficult to cross in the allotted time. I usually try to make eye contact with the stopped drivers to make sure they don’t start drifting into the crosswalk.
Well, check out this mom who was pushing her daughter in a stroller when they got run over by an SUV. It’s crazy. And even crazier, the mom and daughter are completely fine. The girl barely got scratched. A real blessing. The SUV driver apparently didn’t notice that he or she had plowed down a mom and child in broad daylight. So the SUV driver didn’t stop. The woman clearly should not have been crossing at this point, but the wide road must have been difficult to cross.
The other funny thing about becoming a parent is how much more aware you are when driving, too. I still get annoyed when people act like I am about to hit their child simply because I am going the speed limit in a normal fashion down the street. But now I see how I’ve become much more aware of children playing near the road.